21. The Gryffindor Break-In

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"AAARRRGGGHHH! NO!" I heard a voice shout and I jumped up along with Fred, someone else turned the lamps on in the dorm and we all looked at each other.

"What the hell was that?" Lee asks rubbing his eyes.

"I have no clue," I said. "We should have a look" I tell them all as I jump out of bed still in my clothes from the party.

"I'm coming with you." Fred said and the rest got up. We all sleepily walked down the stairs with Percy calling behind us.

"Who shouted?" He demanded as he pushed past us in a rush, "what are you doing?"

We walk into the common room which was lit by the dying fire and a little bit of mess from the party.

"Are you sure you weren't dreaming, Ron?" Harry asked Ron who looked petrified.

"I'm telling you I saw him!" Ron shouted back to him. Who was he talking about?

"What's all the noise?" Percy asks. "McGonagall told us to go to bed!"

"Excellent, are we carrying on?" Fred said with a hopeful look in his eyes, and I roll my eyes at him.

"Everyone back upstairs!" Percy said as he pinned his head boy badge to his pyjamas.

"Perce Siruis Black" Ron said, "with a knife! Woke me up!" As he said that Fred pulled me into a protective hug as the common room fell so silent a pin would be heard is it was dropped on the floor.

"Nonsense!" Percy said to his younger brother, "you had to much to eat you had a nightmare."

"I'm telling you-" Ron began then portrait opened.

"Now, really, enough is enough!" McGonagall slammed the portrait behind her and she looked around the room furiously.

"I'm delighted that Gryffindor won the match, but this is getting ridiculous! And Percy, I expected better of you."

Fred, George and I were trying not to laugh at her shouting at Percy.

"I certainly didn't authorise this Professor!" Percy said. "I was just telling them all to get back to bed. My brother Ron was having a nightmare-" before Percy could finish his sentence Ron interrupted him.

"IT WASN'T A NIGHTMARE! PROFESSOR, I WOKE UP AND SIRUIS BLACK WAS STANDING OVER ME WITH A KNIFE!" Ron yelled and Fred pulled me even closer to him as we watched the events unfolded as Professor McGonagall stared at him.

"Don't be ridiculous, Weasley, how could he possibly have got through the portrait hole?" McGonagall asked Ron, she had a point it could of just been a nightmare.

"Ask him!" Ron said pointing at Sir Cadogan's picture. "Ask him if he saw..." Ron couldn't even finish his sentence he was that scared.

McGonall pushed the portrait open and everyone was waiting for an answer.

"Sir Cadogan, did you let a man enter Gryffindor Tower?" She asked the painting.

"Certainly, good lady!" He replied, the common room was stunned in silence.

"You did, but the password!" Professor Mcgonagall said.

"He had them, had the whole weeks my lady. Read them off a piece of paper!" The silence fell even more.

She walked back into the common room shocked as the rest of us, "which person wrote down this weeks passwords and left them lying around?" She asked and the whole room stayed silent and Neville Longbottom raised his hand in the air.

- - - -

None of us slept that night, not one Gryffindor. The castle was being searched for Black again and we all wanted to hear whether he had been caught or not.

I laid my head on Fred's shoulder and he wrapped his arms round me, "no one will hurt you okay? I'll always protect you." He said as he played with my hair lightly.

"Thanks Freddie, what's the time?" I ask him.

"4:35" he said. Everyone was clearly tired but was wide awake with terror in them.

I eventually fell asleep in Fred's arms and someone placed a blanket gently over the two of us.

I woke up in the morning and the common room had students sound asleep with blankets over them, someone must of went around with blankets and gave them to everyone. I slowly got up not disturb Fred as he slept peacefully.

I then tip toed to my room being completely silent so I didn't wake anyone up. I arrived to my dorm completely empty so I grabbed some fresh clothes and went into the en-suite bathroom and had a shower to refresh myself, along with brushing my teeth, washing my face and sorting my hair out and finally getting dressed.

I walk back into the common room as students began waking up and talking, I make my way over to my friend group and Fred gives me a sleepy smile.

"Where did you go?" He asks as I sit down next to him.

"For myself dressed and ready for the day a head." I tell him as I planted a kiss on his forehead.

"The two of you are so touchy, you should keep that in the bedroom." Lee said and Fred and I roll our eyes at him.

"Lee it was just a kiss on the forehead, nothing graphic." I say to him and Fred laughs.

As it was a weekend and I had done all of my school work we all chilled out and barely done anything. It soon reached the evening again and most Gryffindors still lingered in the common room as most were still scared to go to bed.

"I'm off to bed" I say to Fred.

"Are you sure you will be okay?" He asks me worriedly.

"Yes I will be fine, girls are you coming up?" I ask the other three girls.

"Yeah." Angelina and Alicia reply at the same time.

"I'll be up in a bit" she says.

"Goodnight boys, goodnight Freddie, I love you." I say as I peck Fred lips before walking up the stairs with Angelina and Alicia.

We all get changed into out pyjamas and all talk whilst we sit in our beds waiting for Melody.

"You girls ready for the quidditch final?" I ask the pair.

"Of course, we will kick Slytherin to the curb." She says with joy in her voice.

"Hopefully there dirty tactics catch up with them." Angelina says.

"Agreed, I don't even see how half the team is aloud to play." I tell the two girls.

"Neither any team that plays against them at least one person from that team ends up injured from them." Angelina says.

We carry on talking for a while and eventually fall asleep, after last nights antics I needed a good sleep which I got indeed.

- - - -

A/n: final chapter for tonight as I am tired I kind of rushed the end but I hope you enjoy it all the same.

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