22. Birthday Boys

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A couple of months have passed since Sirius Black broke into the Gryffindor Tower, but he still hasn't been found. Today is the 1st of April and it's Fred an George's 16th birthday. It is a school day however, it is a Friday so party in the common room.

I finished wrapping their presents the night before including all their favourites from Honey Dukes including peppermint toads and butterbeer, their favourite prank stuff from Zonkos joke shop and finally I brought them both a Firebolt each.

The reason I had so much money was because my grandma left it all to me, I was her favourite possibly because I was always singles out, and my parents always used to put money in there but they aren't allowed to take it out as it is my vault.

I got ready for the school day ahead we all had a free first so that's when I'll give them the little presents and the Firebolts can wait for tonight.

I walk to the boys dorm and knock on the door, "come in" one of the boys said.

I ran into the room and tackled Fred into a hug, "happy birthday!" I say as he wraps his arms round me.

"Thank you darling." He says as he places a kiss on the top of my head, I unwrap my arms from him and pull George into a hug.

"Happy birthday!" I tell him.

"Thanks y/n"

"Ready for breakfast?" I ask them all.

"Yes, let's eat!" Fred replies to me, always thinking about eating these Weasley boys.

We walk through the common room and everyone are wishing the twins a happy birthday.

"Happy birthday, Fred and George!" One kid shouted.

"Seems like the two of you are popular today." I say as we all walk to the great hall.

When we arrive more kids wish the twins happy birthday and we start eating.

"So I'm giving you your presents in the free" I tell the twins.

"Ooo what have you got us?" George asked.

"Wait and find out." I tell him.

"That's ages" Fred says as he stuffs food into his mouth.

"It's not it's 8:40 now so by the time we have finished eating it will be 9 so we can go to the common room and I will give you both your presents." I tell the pair.

"Fine." The twins say at the same time.

We finish eating at make our way back to the common room with the rest of our friends.

"I need to grab you presents," I say looking at the two as I run up the stairs, I had two bags in each hand, two for both of the boys.

I walk down the stairs with the four bags and hand them two each.

"Wanted to get us anything else?" Fred asked, well little do you know I have two Firebolts sitting upstairs.

They open the bags and start smirking, "thank you, love, these will come in handy for future pranks." Fred says and we all start laughing.

"Thanks y/n." George said as he dug through the bags.

"Everyone excited for tonight?" Angelina asks the group.

"Yeah," we all reply at once.

"So it starts at 7 and finishes at 12, yeah?" I ask the boys.

"Yeah, we are sneaking in a few people from other houses as well," George says.

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