24. OWLs

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For weeks after winning the winning the quidditch cup we were all still so ecstatic about the win, but now we had to focus on our OWLs I was constantly reading over everything we had learnt in the last two years.

"Y/n you need to relax a bit." Fred tells me.

"I can't relax our first OWL exam is in two days time." I say to him in a panic, he wasn't that worried about them nor was Lee or George's I spent a lot of time with the girls and Jack in the library, whilst they made things for their joke shop.

"Yeah and you'll be fine." He tells me as he wraps his arms around me from behind.

"It doesn't feel it," I say resting the back of my head on his chest.

"You are the smartest person I know so you will be fine." He tells me in a convincing tone.

"Thank you but I'm far from it." I tell him and I go to pull the book back up to read and Fred takes it and shuts it.

"Fred! I was reading that!" I tell him with a frown on my face.

"Not anymore." He says smirking at me.

"What are you planning Weasley?" I say crossing my arms in a huff.

"Something to take your mind off of the OWLs for a little while." He takes me up to his dorm where Lee and George are doing something but I was unsure what they were doing.

We walk over, and they hand me some order forms for something, "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." I say and look up at them.

"Good isn't it?" Fred asked.

"We have also started to develop products as well." George says.

"So this is what you three have been doing instead of revising for the OWLs, that are in less than two days?" I look between the three boys.

"Yeah." They all replied at the same time.

"It wonderful and I love the name how long did it take you all to come up with this?"I ask them.

"A couple of days it's cool isn't it?" Lee says and I nod my head at them.

"So what are you starting to work on?" I ask them.

"These sweets that we are going to call ton-tongue toffee." Fred told me.

"It uses the engorgement charm and will make the persons tongue who eats it grow." George then tells me.

"But we aren't sure how big it can get." Fred told me.

"And we still need to finish perfecting it as well. " George says.

"I would love to stay and watch this all but I have OWLs that I need to practice for, see you boys later I'm off to the library with the others." I kiss Fred's cheek and walk into the common room grab my books and make my way to the library.

"There you are" Melody says as I approach the table that was covered in book and parchment paper. And I sit next to Alicia.

"Yeah I was taking to Fred then realised the time." I tell the group.

We all practiced everything we could before the library closed and then in the common room carried on with our own books, my eyes were so heavy I carried my books upstairs put them down and got changed into my pyjamas and feel straight to sleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

- - - -

Monday morning came around and every fifth year was so anxious that we barely spoke with the exception of a hand full of students including Fred, George and Lee.

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