16. So what?

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It's time to go back to Hogwarts so we were all up early to go to platform 9 and 3/4 as the train left at 11.

I walk down the stairs with my trunk and slip my coat on, "got everything dear?" Molly asked me.

"Yes, all my books and clothes are in there," I tell her.

"Can you see how Fred and George are getting along for me please dear?" Molly asks me.

"Of course I can." I walk up the stairs and knock on the twins bedroom, they didn't answer so I just walked in.

"Boys, get up!" I say, "we need to leave in 40 minutes, have you even packed yet?" I ask the pair.

"Sorry mum, we haven't." George says and Fred starts sleepily laughing at him.

"Come on, up." I tell them both.

I walk over to open the curtains in their room and Fred pulls me onto his bed and pulled me into a cuddle.

"Freddie now is not the time you need to get up," I tell him and he start kissing me which made George jump out of bed and throw a pillow at us both.

"Not when I'm in here." George's shouts and Fred throws the pillow back at him.

I help the boys back their trunks for school and we rush around and we race down the stairs.

"Everyone ready?" Molly asked, she was taking us to platform 9 and 3/4 by herself as Arthur was at work as well as Bill and Charlie.

A chorus of, "yes mum was heard." From the Weasley children.

"Yes Molly." I say.

We arrive at the platform at around 10:50am and I go with the other Weasley children and put my luggage on the train. I see my parents but ignore them and go over to Molly, and pull her into a big hug she seems so surprised but she hugged me back.

"Thank you for everything Molly, see you in the summer," I say holding back the tears.

"See you in the summer dear, remember to write." She says as we pull away from the hug.

"I will", all the other Weasley children say bye to their mum, I take Fred's hand and we walk towards to train when my parents stand in front of me.

"Move." I say as Fred stands with me and grips my hand tighter.

"If we could just talk-" my father says and I cut him off.

"Yeah let's talk now, you had your chance to talk, we aren't doing this now." I say and Fred and I try to walk away.

My arm is pulled back by my mum and she turns me around.

"No we are talking now!" My mother says as she gets in my face and I push her back.

"No we aren't, you made things clear on Christmas Eve, you cow." She comes back and pushes me back and Fred stands behind me.

"I'm not the cow, you ungrateful little bitch!" She raises her voice at me as we come face to face, other people start staring at us and my dad and Fred stand there not knowing what to do.

"Me the ungrateful little bitch? You are the one that never wanted to see me happy and now that I am you try and ruin it." She grabs hold of my top and pulls me closer as she raises her voice even more.

"I don't care about that," she gets closer to my face, "I care about-" before she can say anything else I punch her around the face and she falls to the floor I jump on top of her and keep hitting her.

"I hate you," I scream at her, she then flips me over and try's hitting me back.

"That's it you are out of the family!" She screams.

"That's fine I don't want to be part of your toxic family anyway," I pushing her off of me and I jump up about to pounce on her when Fred grabs me and picks me up keeping his arms wrapped round me.

"Fred put me down I'm not finishing kicking her arse." I shout looking at the crowd that had formed around us and I see my mother's bloody face snarling at me as my dad held her back.

"Don't ever come back to us you little blood traitor!" She shouts, I somehow I wriggled out of Fred's grip give her one last punch making her nose bleed and walking off with Fred and other people following off.

"Never planned on it!" I walk on the train with an adrenaline rush and walk through the hallway of the train and arrived in the compartment.

"What the hell happened to you?" Melody asks.

Fred appeared behind me, "she just beat her mum up, it was amazing." Fred says and everyone starts cheering.

"How was it?" Lee asked.

"Well she was getting in my face the boom fist round the face!" I shout

"I think she is having a slight adrenaline rush." Melody said as all the others were hyping me up.

I then explained all the events over the Christmas break to Alicia, Melody and Lee as Jack and Angelina were on their prefect duties when the door opens.

"Is it true? Did you beat your mum up?" Jack asked with excitement. He made it sound worse than it was.

"Hell yeah she did!" George says jumping up.

"And she isn't my mum anymore I've been disowned." I tell them, my adrenaline was wearing off.

"Wow they did that?" Angelina asks as her and Jack look confused.

"Oh yeah she now lives with us." George said.

"Seriously?" They ask at the same time.


We continue talking about the events over Christmas and everyone else seemed to have enjoyed there Christmases whereas mine went from one extreme to the other.

Angelina and Jack went off to do their prefect duties and I lean my head on Fred and start to fall asleep, sleeping on the train journey is a must for me.

"Y/n, love, it's time to get into robes." Fred says shaking me.

"Right, then." I jump up and grab my uniform and go to get changed.

I change into my robes and walk back into the compartment and the train starts to slow down as we pull into hogsmead station and I couldn't wait to see what this new year would bring.

- - -

A/n: bit of a shorter chapter but I enjoyed writing the fight scene I wanted it to go on longer but it would of been too long.

Anyway I tried cutting side bangs and ended up with a fringe and know I kind of look like Lexie Grey from greys anatomy.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now