37. Nightmares and Daydreams

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After a few hours of sleep we were woken up by Arthur, we all quickly got changed and he used magic to pack the tents up. We left the campsite as quickly as we could and we saw Mr Roberts who wished us a "merry Christmas."

"He'll be at right. Sometimes, when a person's memory's modified it makes them a bit disoriented for a while and that was a big thing for him to forget." Arthur tells us all as we rushed through the moors.

We were all so tired we barely spoke to one another for the whole journey. We had to wait in line for a portkey as many wizards and witches were rushing to get away. We finally got a portkey back to Stoatshead Hill before the sun had a chance to rise. The Burrow finally came into view with the sunrising behind it and Molly came running out.

"Oh, thank goodness!" She cries as we walk towards her. She clearly hadn't slept a wink bless her as she had a copy of the Daily Prophet in her hand.

"Arthur- I've been so worried." She says flinging her arms around Arthur as Fred and I were still holding hands from the walk. The copy of the Daily Prophet fell out of her hands.

The headline read: SCENES OF TERROR AT THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP! Which had a photo of the dark mark underneath it no wonder she was so worried.

"You're all right." She says letting go of Arthur.

Turning towards us kids, "you're alive... oh boys" she grabbed Fred out of my embrace and George into such a tight hug she banged their heads together.

"Ouch! Mum you're strangling us-" Fred started to say.

Now sobbing Molly started talking to them "I shouted at you before you left! It's all I've been thinking about! What if you know who had go you and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't get enough OWLs? Oh Fred... George..." she looks like she was going to cry even harder.

"Come on now, Molly, we're all perfectly fine okay." Arthur says to his wife pulling the twins off of her and Fred and George walk back over to me and we walked into the small kitchen which was no going to be crowded with twelve people in it.

We all had some hot drinks but Arthur decided to have a Firewhisky and I do not blame him one bit, the events from the night before were horrendous.

I lean my head on Fred he plays with some of my strands of hair lightly as we sip our teas.

We all sat in silence until Arthur started talking.

"I knew it. Ministry blunders... culprits not apprehended.. lax security... dark wizards running unchecked... national disgrace ... Who wrote this? Of course, Rita Skeeter."

"That women's got it in for the Ministry of Magic! Last week she was saying we're wasting our time quibbling about cauldron thickness, when we should be stamping out vampires!" He said furiously before continuing on his tangent. "As if it wasn't specifically stated in paragraph twelve of the Guidelines for the treatment of Non Wizard Part Humans- " as he was talking I was mimicking him which made the twins who were the only ones who notice laugh.

"Do is a favour Perce and shut up." Bill said yawning.

"Thank you Bill, someone had to say it." I say also yawning laying my head on Fred's shoulder and my eyes slowly close.

I wake up in Fred's bed as him and George are talking about joke shop products when George notices I've woken up.

"She finally arises from her slumber." George says giggling lightly and I chuckle.

"Sleep well?" Fred asks me as I quickly stretch and sit up.

"Yeah, how long was I out for?" I ask the pair and they look at the clock.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now