61. Ministry Attack

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We were now in winter with snow all around us and the twins and I decided to go out and play in it along with winding up other students just for some fun, we were currently making some more snowballs and we start throwing them at the Gryffindor tower windows seeing who could get the most.

"It is a little unfair y/n, you are a chaser." George says as he misses a shot and I successfully get the window again.

"That really isn't my fault, you two would still be beaters now if you didn't beat Malfoy up." I tell him and they both huff at the same time. "I can't say I blame you two because he got what he deserved although maybe his face could of been a better target." 

"If you let me get him, I would of." Fred says as we continue to throw the snowballs at the window.

The window opens and Ron pokes his head out shouting. "Oi, I am a prefect and if one more snowball hits this window-" before Ron could say anything else Fred and George's aim was perfect and hit him in the face, "OUCH!"

We all start laughing as the window closes.

"Right I need to go and meet Angie now, I'll see you two later." George says, still laughing as he walks off.

"We should get you back to the common room, you look like you are about to freeze up on the spot." Fred says, pulling me into his embrace.

"I - I ammm." I chatter.

"Come on then." Fred says, and we walk hand in hand back to the common room talking about Christmas on our way up, we walk into the common room and Ron throws us a glare as we spot Melody, Jack and Lee by the fire talking.

"Y/n, you look like you are going to freeze." Melody says as I sit down next to the fire.

"I felt like it, feel a little warmer now." I say as Fred sits next to me wrapping an arm around me.

"So what's everyone's plans for Christmas?" I ask the group.

"Going home to my mum and dad as usual then we will go to my grandparents or something like that." Lee tells us.

"I think my mum said something about, dad, her, me and my sister spending it together at home." Melody said, "and our mums were talking about Jack and Anna coming to stay for a few days, I couldn't spend all my time with Evie by myself." Melody says.

I completely understand I had only met Evie a handful of times but she was the polar opposite of Melody and more like their dad, Evie was five years older than Melody and works a desk job in the Ministry.

"What are you two doing for Christmas then?" Jack asks, Fred and I.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure, hopefully we can spend it together but I also want to spend it with my dad so we may be staying in London but I suppose we will find out soon." I tell them.

"I'm hoping I can spend Christmas with you, with have done every year since what second year?" Fred says and I nod my head, as second year is when everything started going downhill with Michael and Katherine, so I spent as much time as I could anywhere else but home.

"So have you told your dad about the birthday dinner in April?" Jack asks.

"Not yet... I'm not sure how he will take it, I'll tell him at Christmas and he can't tell me no as one I am of age and two Fred's coming so I'll definitely be okay." I say to him.

"Are you sure its safe and they aren't going to try and kill you?" Melody asks.

"Well, I'll be eight teen then and I think that is a long enough life." I say jokingly but no one seems to find it funny.

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