9. Hogsmead Date

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It was Hogsmead weekend again and today Fred and I were going on our date to the three broomsticks but I needed to go and do Christmas shopping as well.

Christmas list:
Fred, George, Lee, Jack, Angelina, Alicia, Melody, the rest of the Weasleys and my parents and siblings.

Quite a few people to buy for, fun.

I got myself ready into a black jumper, black skirt with tights and some boots, along with my coat and Gryffindor scarf, I styled my y/c/h how I like it and added some light make up onto my face.

I grab my bag and I walk into the common room and see Fred and he greets me with a smile, "Good morning love,ready for our date?" He asks me.

"Of course I am Freddie get to spend time with my favourite person." I tell him looking up into his eyes.

"Hey!" I turn around and see Lee, George and Jack with frowns on their faces.

"I thought I was your favourite." They all say.

"In your dreams, let's get going Fred, see you all later." I say to them as we walk out the common room hand in hand.

"So who do you need to buy for then?" Fred asks me.

"Everyone." I tell him.

"Everyone?" He asks.

"Well I was meant to go last hogsmead weekend, but I got really sidetracked didn't I?" I say looking at him as we walk down the stairs.

"That snowman was good and the snowball fight was even better." He tells me.

"It was fun but very cold."

We walk into the court yard and there are some other students who are ready to leave early.

"So do you want to help me get presents?" I ask him as we are sat in a carriage with some other students.

"Of course, but what about mine?" He asks. "And I need to get yours."

"Well we can do them at the end then meet back at the three broomsticks." I tell him.

"Sounds like a plan." He tells me.

Fred helps me off the carriage into hogsmead it looks so beautiful covered in snow, we start walking towards shops.

"Right I need to go in here," I pull Fred into a clothes shop, "I'll get Melody, Angelina, Alicia, our mums and sisters their presents in here." I tell him.

"I thought I said no presents for my family." He said.

"Well is don't listen to you." I tell him.

I grab an expensive dress up for my mum, which I knew she would like and a similar dress for my sister, I brought Angelina, Alicia and Melody similar jumpers which I knew they would all like. I then but Molly and Ginny dresses as well.

We walk out the shop and I hold the bag, which has an extension charm on it.

"What shops next?" Fred asks me.

"I need to get some books." I tell him.

We walk around for around an hour and we done Christmas shopping for everyone and now we were going to go out separate ways and get each other's Christmas presents.

"Right I'll see you in the three broomsticks, Fred." I kiss him on the check and we walk separate ways.

I see a photo book and know it will be a good present as I have quite a few photos of us together and we can fill it up with more. I then go and get his favourite sweets from honey dukes and a new beaters bat for him and George.

I walk into the three broomsticks and see Madam Rosmerta, I smile at her, "he is over there dear." She points me in the direction Fred was.

"Thank you." I walk towards Fred with a smile on my face.

"All done?" He asks me.

"Yes I am, you?"


I sit down and place my bags next to me and sip on the butter beer Fred had brought me.

"Thank you Fred." I say.

"Finally some time just us." Fred says.

"Finally, seems like we only ever get five minutes here and five minutes there." I tell him.

"I agree as much as having our friends around is fun, it's nice to spend some time with my girl." The words 'my girl' make me smile.

"Yeah it is, it's going to be weird this Christmas, I think I've probably been with you every day since last January." I tell him.

"I think you have and I know you are going to your house for Christmas but any problems you come straight to the burrow." He tells me grabbing one of my hands.

"Of course Fred, I'll have to give you everyone's presents from me to give to them on Christmas."

"I still cannot believe you brought stuff for all my brothers, sister and parents he tells me, the only one I would think you would buy for is George."

"Your family treat me like I am part of the family." I tell him "so I brought them something because that's what family does."

"I suppose you are right, I can't wait to give you your presents you are going to love them." He says and gets all excited.

"Of course I will and I think you'll love yours as well."

We carry on talking just us for almost two hours when we see our friends walk in. "Hey guys." We wave them over.

"How much stuff did the two of you need to get?" Jack asks gesturing to all the bags we have.

"We both had quite a lot of people to buy for plus wrapping paper." I say to him.

"Right what's everyone having to drink?" I ask them all.

A chorus of "butterbeer." Was heard.

"Right I'm going to need some help carrying them back." I tell them hinting that someone is going to need to help me.

"I'll help you." Melody says as we walk up.

"Eight butter beers please." I ask Madam Rosmerta and I hand her the money for them.

"So what did you get Fred for Christmas because I'm so stuck on what to get Jack he is the only person I have left." Melody says.

"I got him and George new beater bats, a photo memory book and loads of his favourite sweets from honey dukes." I explain.

"Cute." She says.

Madam Rosmerta hands us four of the butter beers and we take them to the table and go back for the other four.

"Thank you." I tell her and she goes to hand me the change, "don't worry about it, keep it." We then walk to the table with the other four and I sit next to Fred and I hand him his.

"Thank you y/n" everyone says.

We all drink our butter beers and I check the time.

"I guess we should make our way back to Hogwarts now."

We all make our way back to Hogwarts and the sun is starting to set it looks so beautiful as it sets behind the castle, it feels like a fairytale.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now