66. The Department of Mysteries

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Now at the beginning of June I was more tired than ever which Madam Pomfrey told me was normal for around nine weeks. We were all studying in the Library; well Lee was keeping himself entertained in ways I don't even know. The morning sickness had worn off now, it was only happening once a day, normally when I just wake up, and because I was extremely tired I would go to bed earlier than the rest of them and wake up slightly earlier then them. Between being pregnant, which was easy to hide from everyone right now and revising from my NEWTs which were starting tomorrow and Angelina devised a plan to revise the whole day.

"I'm so tired." I groan.

"We've only been revising for four hours..." Angelina says.

"And I'm exhausted," I tell her resting my head on my books.

"Just push through it, we are only half way there." She tells me and we all groan.

"Right now, I don't know if I actually care anymore." Jack says.

"Agreed." Alicia groans, as Lee just observes us all.

"I hope this gets over and done with quickly." I say to them.

"I think we all do." Melody groans.

At breakfast the next morning neither the fifth years or the seventh years spoke at breakfast which was making it hard for me to put the anti sickness drops in my water, so I just don't even bother. Once breakfast finished all the fifth and seventh years went and stood in the Entrance Hall and when we walked back in, there was single desks, for each student facing the Professors table at the front. Once we were all seated and quiet we then had an hour to complete the exam, which was followed by the practical exam in the afternoon.

After a week of exam on Friday evening Melody and myself made an excuse of why couldn't go to the library for about half and hour as I had my next appointment with Madam Pomfrey.

"They are getting bigger, both have strong heartbeats, I would estimate that they should be born around the mid-end of December as twins are typically early and your not stressing yourself too much on your NEWTs?" Madam Pomfrey asks me.

"No I'm taking it easy, don't worry. Melody here makes sure I get a break at least once every forty-five minutes when we are revising." I tell her.

"Yeah, well I can't have you getting to stressed and even more exhausted than you are now." Melody says.

"Yes, around this time extreme exhaustion is very common in many pregnancies, so just try and eat as much fruit and veg as you can along with taking the potions and your next check up will be in two weeks - twelve weeks is when you are generally out of the clear of a miscarriage being likely to happen and you can if you want to start telling people." Madam Pomfrey tells me.

"I'm just waiting on telling Fred, it's unfair if he is the last to know, but thank you for all of the help." I tell her.

"You are very welcome and I'll see you both in two weeks." She says to both Melody and myself.

"See you then." We both say in unison.

We walk out of the office and slowly up to the library.

"So you've still not wrote to your dad?" Melody asks me.

"Nope. Not being able to since Unbridge is checking everything, it could uncover where he is and I don't want any of that." I tell her.

"That's understandable, I can tell it's taking a bit of a toll on you - you two started writing a lot to each other and you genuinely seem happier." Melody tells me, "I wonder how he is going to take being a grandad."

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now