6. Halloween

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The last couple of weeks went by quickly and it was now Halloween and Hogwarts always went all out, and tonight was a formal dinner so sitting at house tables was a must.

I swear Harry, Ron and Hermione are always in trouble or involved with something they shouldn't be but never mind ever since they started the school something happened. First year was something to do with professor Quirrell, then last year something to do with the chamber of secrets and Ginny, I wonder what will happen this year?

When we played against Hufflepuff the weather was so bad, everyone found it hard to see. Then Harry almost died as he had an encounter with the dementors and his broom was broken, I think he has a slight death wish. We all thought Oliver was going to try and drown himself in the showers and I wouldn't be surprised.

I honestly loved the Halloween feast there was more sweet things and food we don't typically have on a normal day, I turn round to see Fred and George stuffing their faces.

"You enjoying that?" I ask them both.

"Yes." They both say with mouths filled with food.

"You two honestly need to stop talking with you mouths full or I'll tell Molly." I say smirking at them.

"Yeah, right" Fred says pulling me into a side hug, he was actually quite affectionate when other people weren't around which was cute, and he liked me reading to him which was nice.

"So have you wrote back to your parents yet?" Jack asked I've been trying to avoid this conversation for weeks normally I would just walk off but I couldn't right now.

"No, but I'm expected to go back for the holidays and I have no clue what will happen but we will see won't we?" I say finishing off my plate of food.

"Are you sure you can't come to the borrow for Christmas love? All my family love you and would love you there." Fred says to me and I see George nod his head.

"I would love to and you know I would but I have to deal with my parents and see what they need to say and what not." I reply smiling at him, I honestly love his family and they are always so nice to me whenever I go round there.

"Okay, love only if you are sure." Fred replies.

We all finish the feast and go back to our common rooms, most people sit in the common room and we sit around the fire and Fred has his arm wrapped round me and Jack does the same round Melody, whilst George and Lee were talking about rubbish and I was chatting with the others.

"Everyone excited for next hogsmead weekend?" I ask them all.

"Yeah, when is it again?" Alicia asks.

"Next Saturday," I reply.

"What shall we do?" Angelina asks.

"I'm not sure the boys probably want to go Zonkos to get some more joke stuff, I need to to get some more books and then honey dukes to get some sweets and I should start my Christmas shopping." I say to them.

"Christmas shopping already?" Fred asks me.

"Well yeah I have you all to buy for and I should be pleasant and buy my family something and then I'll get your family something as well." I tell him.

"You don't need to get my family anything" he says to me.

I turn round to him, "yes I do, they treat me like family more than my own so I am going to end of discussions." I say stubbornly.

"Okay love whatever you say" he peck my lips and smiles at me.

"Eww, get a room" George says.

"Shut up, you are just jealous" Fred replies to his brother and we all start laughing.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now