44. Amortentia

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It was now two days after the now four Triwizard Champions were chose and a day after finding out about my real dad, let's just say I wasn't expecting that.

Melody, Jack, Alicia and I were walking to potions as Cedric was talking to some of his housemates.

"So I heard we are doing Amortentia in potions today," I tell the small group.

"That's exciting," Alicia tells us.

"I suppose it is." I say to them as we enter the classroom and see a cauldron with a lid on top of it.

We walk to our desks, Jack and Melody shared one and Alicia still had to share with Angelina whereas I sat next to Cedric.

I sat at my desk getting my parchment, quill, ink and my copy of Advanced Potion-Making textbook as Cedric came and sat next to me giving me a small smile.

Snape walks into the classroom then takes registration before beginning on what we were learning for the day.

"Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?" I along with some other students raise my hand. "Yes, Avery?"

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world but, it cannot create a true unbreakable love. It also smells different to each person according to what attracts them." I tell the class.

"Thank you Avery, five points to Gryffindor." He says before turning back to me, "come up here Avery." He says.

I stand up and walk to the front of the classroom, "can you tell me what you smell?" He asks me as he opens the lid on top of the cauldron.

I inhale the scents from within, "I smell, gunpowder, cinnamon, peppermint and the burrow..." it dawned on me that I just smelt Fred.

"Thank you, Avery, you can sit back down." I walk back to the table as he calls a few different students up to the front to show that we all smelt different things.

I just smelt Fred... oh my Godric.

"So as you can see each person can smell something different." Snape says and I start zoning out.

I smelt Fred... this makes me miss him even more. I need to talk to him but where do I even start?

"Y/n?" Cedric started nudging me.

"Er... yeah, what's up?" I whisper back to him.

"Are we going to start making the potion or not?" He says back to me.

"Yeah let's do it." I say.

We do the potion and the familiar scent of Fred comes back into my senses. We clean up the potions and starts packing our stuff away.

"Right, I expect an essay on this by next week at least two sides of parchment."

Snape dismisses us and we walk to the Great Hall for lunch, I speed up with the lesson I just sat in on my mind, all with everything I had learnt in the last week. I sat down and started putting food on my plate when my other friends joined me.

"So are we going to talk about what happened in potions then?" Melody asks.

"Nope." I say popping the p.

"Come on, you smelt him, we know you did." Alicia says, as I spoon the food from my plate into my mouth.

"We aren't talking about it okay, it's probably fake anyway," I say rolling my eyes lightly, honestly this is the last thing I need to be dealing with.

"Yes, we are" Melody says, "you smelt Fred," she whispers.

"Plus it's not fake and you know that." Alicia says eating her food.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now