51. The Last Task

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Sitting in potions next to Cedric, as he was still my partner for the class,  we were making a potion and talking about the last task.

"Nervous?" I ask him.

"A little, we know the task just not what's inside it." He replies quietly.

"I understand, if you need any help with spells just ask." I whisper back.

"What about Harry?" He replies back.

"His fine, he has Hermione and Ron." I reply, "I mean I would offer more help but I think those two are good enough."

"I suppose you could help yeah, I just need to see when I'm free from doing school work and seeing Cho." He whispers.

"Still going good with you both then?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's going great with us." He replies.

We finish the potion and the class is dismissed as my friends and I walked back to the Gryffindor common room.

"So have either him or Cedric told you anything about the last task?" Jack asks as we walk through the dungeons.

"Just that it's a maze, they aren't supposed to tell the rest of us too much and that is all I know." I tell them all.

"I suppose that is true, do you think there's creatures in there?" Alicia asks.

"Most probably," I reply.

"Scary though, I'm glad I didn't get chosen now." Angelina says.

"Yeah so am I, I don't think we really thought of how bad it could be." Melody says as we walk up the stairs.

"Yeah, hopefully they will all be fine." I say, clutching some books in my hands.

"Considering the past, I should hope so." Alicia replies.

"Yeah, it kind of seems a bit idiotic that they brought it back knowing the risks, I just hope no one dies." Angelina says, with an unsure expression on her face.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see this task though." Jack says, "it's going to be the best one considering it's final task, they are going to make it bigger and better."

"I suppose that's true." I say as we walk up the stairs with the portrait hole at the top of them.


"Fairy lights." Melody says and the portrait opens.

"So, what are the plans for the summer?" Jack says, changing the conversation topic.

"I'm not sure yet, probably just another summer, chilling around the burrow." I reply, "but we never know, we will see closer to the time, we should all try and meet up again."

"Yeah we should, I think we should all check with our families what we are doing over the summer though, before making plans." Angelina says.

"Yeah," we all say in unison.

"The boys are probably up in the dorm, I'll go and get them." Jack says before disappearing up the stairs.

"So, Melody, what are you and Jack planning on doing over the holidays?" I ask.

"I think we are taking it in turns at staying at each others houses, which will be fun. Last time his family were so lovely, his mum is amazing." Melody replies with a smile on her face.

"She is an amazing woman, from what you and Jack have both told us, she sounds like a bad bitch and doesn't care about anyone's opinions." I say.

"Oh she is." Melody replies with a massive smile on her face.

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