15. Christmas With the Weasleys

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I woke up on the sofa in the morning suddenly remembering why I am here and the events of last night. Fred clearly went back to his bed in the night, I sit up and here Molly behind me.

"Morning, y/n how did you sleep?" She asks.

"As well as I could I suppose." I say standing up.

"Where is everyone?" I ask her.

"Still sleeping, I'm not too sure about Fred he seems very worried, he cares about you a lot." Molly tells me.

"Yeah he does and I care a lot about him too, I'm going to get dressed and I'll come and help you with stuff." I grab some clothes out of my bag.

"No need to dear." She replies.

"I want to help, you've done so much for me." I say as I walk up to the stairs into the bathroom, I get dressed, brush my teeth then brush my y/c/h and let it flow down my hair. I take my belongings and walk back into the living room putting things into my bag.

"Let me take all that dear," she takes my dirty washing and puts it in the washing basket, as I fold the blanket and put them on top of my trunks that I had stacked up.

"Y/n?" I turn around and see Ginny run down the stairs, "what are you doing here?" She asks me as we share a quick hug.

"It's a long story I'll explain later."'I tell her.

"Molly did Fred and George bring the presents I got you all round?" I ask her.

"Yes they did dear, we haven't opened them yet as we was waiting for today to open them." She says.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask.

"The ladies in this house are always the first ones up," Ginny says, "they should wake up soon though.

I sit at the table and share a small conversation with the two girls, Molly then mentioned hat Ron stayed at Hogwarts with Harry and Hermione this Christmas but she had forgotten about it this morning, I don't blame her I would have forgotten that then others start coming down the stairs one by one. First it was Arthur them Percy followed by Charlie then bill and finally the twins.

"Long time no see." George said.

"Yes very long time." I agreed with him.

We all shared some small chatter when Molly start talking over everyone, "so your father and I have been talking and we are going to let y/n live here, she's like a second daughter to us anyway and we can't see her live anywhere else now." He little speech sends a lump to my throat, she treated me more like her daughter than my own mother ever had.

"Yes another girl in the house!" Ginny says and we all laugh at her.

I keep trying to talk but the lump in my throat and the tears in my eyes prevent me from doing so.

"You okay love?" Fred asks, and the tears immediately fall from my eyes and I nod my head.

"You clearly aren't, what's up?" Now everyone at the table was looking at me.

I breath in them out and start to talk, "I've never had a family like this." I start saying, "you all love each other so much even if you are annoyed at each other and are so accepting of other people," I say as more tears fall out.

"This is all I've ever wanted is a loving family and I've finally got that with you all and I'm so thankful for everything." I say and Fred pulls me into a hug, the table falls silent until Molly breaks that by joining in the hug and says "you are always welcome in our family."

The whole family agrees which makes me cry more.

"So where's y/n going to be staying?" Fred asks.

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