65. The Weasley Twins Exit

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We were now nearing the end of April and tomorrow Fred and George were leaving Hogwarts; to get started on adult life, I was currently sitting in the common room with Angelina, Alicia and Katie, not having a clue where the others where. In all honesty I just wanted to spend all the time I had left with Fred and I didn't even know where he currently was, so I just sat reading my book, something I hardly get to do anymore. Between writing, to everyone, and Umbridge now was scanning letters and parcels because that's ethical, I was so busy.

"Y/n." I hear someone say and I look up and see George. "Fred's up in the dorm, he says he wants to show you something."

I look around and see all the rest of the group now here and I look up at George.

"Okay, I guess, I'll see you all in a bit." I tell them as I begin to walk up the stairs, I open the boys dorm room door, and to my surprise the room was covered in candles and there was rose petals on the floor leading to his bed

"I wanted to make our last night together, romantic as I possibly could." Fred tells me taking my hands in his.

"You make everything romantic, this is amazing Fred!" I say beaming at him, my smile then faulting away.

"What's wrong?" Fred asks me.

"Tomorrow you're going." I say trying to show him I'm not upset.

"You'll be fine, you kick arse like always." Fred tells me wrapping me in a hug.

"I'm just going to miss you, we already stay together all of the time, it's going to be weird without you for two months." I say to him, as we stay in the hug. "Anyway, it is really romantic, but where's everyone else staying? They aren't going to want to stay in here with all of this." I say gesturing to the romantically decorated room.

"Their staying in the girls dorm tonight, so we can spend some time together, they understand and they know how hard it's going to be for you." Fred tells me.

"I've practically spent everyday with you for over two years, I think it's understandable." I say pulling away from the hug.

"Your going to be fine here right?" Fred asks me, "because if you aren't I can stay or you can come with us."

"Fred, I'll be fine it's just under two month's and if you stayed here after what you two are going to do, but I have our friends and we can write or try to as much as possible." I say to him and he places a kiss on my forehead.

I know it's equally as difficult for him to leave me here as much as it is for me being left here, but I can't go and he can't stay, so there's no other option than the two of us missing each other I am afraid.

"Yeah, that's true, George and I are going to get work started on the shop and the flat, the flat will hopefully be sorted out by the time you finish in June and then hopefully the shop can open end of July time so we still get a lot of Hogwarts kids come in through June." Fred tells me as he holds my hands in his.

"It's going to be so weird the three of us living together, I suppose all the cooking lessons your mum has given us all over the years will come in helpful." I say to Fred, once again looking around the room. "It really is cute in here."

"Well... I wanted our last night together to be very memorable for the two of us, considering we aren't going to see each other for two months." Fred tells me.

"Well, I guess you are having to go back to using your hand." I say, making us both laugh lightly.

"Well, tonight I don't." Fred tells me, with that smirk he always does.

And he was quite right, he really didn't need to use his hand for tonight, let's just say I think he could probably last now till June until he gets laid again. We are now laying in his bed, cuddled up in each other's arms.

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