67. Goodbye

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My dads dead... I sit there crying, and my uncle now wraps me in a hug, and I just continue sobbing, before the feeling of being sick happens again, so I move away from the hug.

"It's okay - it's okay." My uncle says rubbing my back.

"Its not -" I say sobbing, "my dads gone."

"We need to get the kids somewhere safe," Tonks says.

"Yeah, we need to get them all checked out and you as well." Uncle Remus says to her, before turning to me and comforting me again.

All I could do was keep sobbing, no matter how hard I tried to stop crying I couldn't, I could sense that most people around us were quite sad and that was Remus' best friend as well. We all get rushed back to the school, to the hospital wing, so Madam Pomfrey can take care of us all. As I lay on the hospital bed, all I could do was cry and cry.

I had cuts all over my face, from where shards of glass hit it, as I was too focused on my babies, as I would rather get hurt over them, with Uncle Remus checking on all of us, he walks back over to my bed as Madam Pomfrey tends to the worst ones first, and he sees me holding my stomach whilst I continue to sob with no noise coming out of my mouth, just the tears falling down my face.

"Your pregnant aren't you?" He asks me softly and I nod my head.

"I - I w-was g-g-going to tell him - after, but now his never going to know." I say sobbing harder, and he pulls me into a hug.

"Y/n, you shouldn't of been there tonight, what if something happened to you or the baby?" He whispers.

"I was thinking about loosing my dad and how I couldn't loose him, and that I wanted his grandbabies to meet him." I say sobbing.

"I know - wait did you say babies?" He asks and I nod.

"Can - someone g-get M-Melody please?" I ask him.

"Of course I can." I sit there for a couple of minutes crying to myself when I see Melody rushing down with her dressing gown wrapped around herself.

"Y/n, what were you thinking, you could of died?" She says, with concern plastered on her face. "None of us knew where you were, what about the babies?"

"I was th-thinking of my d-dad." I say sobbing.

"Wait - what happened to Sirius?" Melody asks me, and I can't even say anything and she turns to my uncle.

"Sirius is dead." He says rather bluntly and I sob even more, and Melody just pulls me into a tight hug.

"Oh y/n, I'm so sorry." Melody says as my uncle goes to check on the others.

Melody sits hugging me, until Madam Pomfrey comes to check on me and when she comes over she raises her eyebrows at me, before examining me.

"You seem to be completely fine, I am going to have to perform a scan on you to check on the twins." She tells me.

"Yeah, that's fine." I tell her and she checks on the babies and gives me a small smile.

"They are both fine, nothing to  worry about with them. And I see you now have a little baby bump forming." She tells me.

"Yeah." I say smiling down at the bump before Madam Pomfrey, goes to make sure the adults are okay - and Tonks was taken to St Mongo's.

"Well at least the babies are okay." I say softly to Melody. "But they will never know their grandad." I say with tears feeling up in my eyes.

"He will always be in your heart, and you can tell them all the stories that he told you about how he used to be and he will always be in your memory." She tells me softly.

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