31. Sunset Date

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Hermione was arriving at the burrow today which meant I was staying in the twins room now. It was going to be very cramped with twelve of us living here. Bill and Charlie were sharing a room, Ron will have Harry once he arrives, Ginny and Hermione and me with the twins. Percy didn't have to share his room because of work.

Between Fred, George and I, we sat up the extra bed in their room, this also meant we had more time to develop more products which was going really well. Fake wands were the next thing they had done along with some more trick sweets.

When Hermione arrived, and we took her luggage upstairs to mine and Ginny's room then the boys and I went back to their room so they could develop more products.

I was laying on my bed that was made earlier and was reading a new book whilst the boys were talking about new products and were experimenting.

"I think we need to start something else out." Fred said to his brother whilst they were experimenting.

"Yeah are we going to add more of that or not out as much in next time?" George asks his twin.

"Could start with less and work our way up with more?" Fred suggests to him.

"Y/n, would you mind helping us with order forms please?" Fred asks me with a small grin on his face.

"Of course I will." I say as I place my book mark on the page I was reading and started writing forms for them.

I didn't mind doing it as it gave me something else to do.

After a couple of hours of them making products and me helping out with order forms Molly calls us all down for dinner.

We all eat dinner and go out to the garden after.

"So y/n what did you get in your OWLs?" Hermione asks me.

"Eight Os and an E," I tell the younger girl, I see some similarities between us, she's the most sensible friend out of their little trio and extremely smart.

"That's good, are you continuing with all of those subjects next year then?" She asks

"Yeah as I've got the grades to do all of them for NEWTs." I say to her.

We carry on talking for a few minutes before our conversation get interrupted by Fred and George.

"Sorry Granger, we're going to still y/n from you." Fred tells her before I can even protest he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Fred put me down!" I shout as I try to wiggle out of his hold but he held on even tighter.

He carry's on walking until we reach the top of a hill and he sits me down on a blanket.

"What are we doing?" I ask him as everyone else was no where to be seen.

"We are going to watch the sun set." He tells me as he sits next to me.

"Just us?"

"Yes, just us." He tells me with a small smile on his face.

"Finally." I say as I lean my head on his shoulder.

After a few minutes of a comfortable silence, Fred turns to me.

"Y/n?" He asks me.

"Yeah," I mumble back as I look at the sun which is starting to slowly set.

"I love you, and I always will." He tells me, I look up at his dark brown eyes which reflect soft rays from the setting sun.

"I love you too, Freddie and nothing can stop me loving you," I say to him still looking into his eyes as he looks back into mine.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now