72. Three Years

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Today was mine and Fred's three years together, and I had a special surprise for him for the evening. I was now twenty-five weeks pregnant which meant I was nearing the end of month six and my baby bump was increasingly getting loads bigger. I sit up in bed as Fred is still sleeping, I've been feeling extremely energetic throughout September and finding it hard to sleep. Next to me, Fred is tossing and turning, when he wraps an arm around the bump.

"Good morning, handsome." I say cheerfully.

"Good morning, beautiful." He says sleepily.

"Happy three years." I say as he keeps a hand on the bump.

"Yeah, happy three years to us." He says, sounding more awake than before. "Look how much we've accomplished and been through in that time."

"I know, on the eleventh it will be six months until we get married, and hopefully by the end of the year, we have two amazing babies with us." I say as the said babies kick away happily.

"I love our little family." Fred tells me, sitting up with me. "Another bad nights sleep?"

"A bit, yeah, but I seem to have loads of energy and I am excited for this evening." I tel him with a small smile.

"Why what's happening tonight?" Fred asks.

"That, my love is for me to know and you to find out." I say, trying to get him to stop asking me.

"But -" He tries to protest.

"Nope, you do all sorts for me and the babies and it's nice for my to do something for you for once." I say, then feeling the urge to wee. "And on that note I need to go to the toilet. I miss needing to see the normal amount."

"I miss it too, because you never seem to be able to get comfy anywhere." Fred tells me.

"And as soon as I do and I need a wee again." I tell him. "I can't wait for these babies to get out of me."

"I am very excited but not as much as you - you are the one who has been growing them for the last six months - well almost seven." Fred says as I sit on the toilet going for a long wee.

"Honestly I peed about an hour ago and I have had like one small glass of water since then." I say to him, laughing lightly as I wash my hands.

"I do feel bad for you, so have you got the hospital bag all packed?" Fred asks me.

"Mostly, yeah. I've put a few things for each of us in, plus the nappies, dummy's and the bottles with the powder since Eloise said I can't produce enough milk." I say. "And it's more two bags as I have double the stuff, and we should leave them by the door from thirty weeks." I tell him, climbing back into bed as Fred still had half an hour before he had to get ready for work.

"I still can't believe we have been together for three years." Fred says. "Sometimes I never thought I would even get close to asking you to be my girlfriend and here I am three years later, with you; planning a wedding and about to become parents."

"Yeah, I was so nervous telling you how I felt, but I'm forever glad I did." I tell Fred as we feeling the babies move around in my stomach.

Although our life's were complicated with the second wizarding war now here, when I was with Fred - he made everything seem fine and helped me forget all of the bed things that have ever happened.

"So am I." Fred says, placing a kiss on my cheek. "Everything worked out in the end."

"It did, you've still go half an hour till you actually need to get ready." I say to Fred with a smirk.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now