2. Reunited

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I boarded the train and was looking through all the compartments to see if I could find my friends knowing my luck they would of picked an end one. I was looking through the compartments and continued walking when I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking at where I was going." I said "it's Cedric right?" I asked him.

"Yes and you are y/n right?" He asked.

"Yes I am sorry about bumping into you I was looking for my friends"

"It's okay I wasn't looking where I was going either" he said.

"Guess that it's both of our faults then?" I ask him.

"I guess it is, I'll see you around yeah?"

"Yeah see you around." Cedric walks off to find his friends when I see the twins.

"Why was you talking to pretty boy Diggory?" Fred asked.

"I bumped into him trying to find you lot and I apologised to him." I tell the pair.

Fred rolls his eyes a bit. "Jealous I asked?" And George started laughing and Fred started blushing.

"No why would I be jealous of pretty boy?" He said as the showed me where our compartment was.

"Calling him pretty boy is enough evidence." I say.

As I walked into the compartment I was met with all my friends but Jack and Angelina. I smiled and hugged them all I missed talking to them and writing over letters wasn't the same.

"Where's Jack and Angelina?" I ask them all.

"They are prefects now." Melody says "and Percy is dragging them around showing them prefect stuff and what they should be doing."

"Wow so we have prefects in our group, I bet these two are happy." I gesture to the two boys either side of me.

"Oh they are." Said Lee.

I sat next to Alicia and Melody talking about our summer holidays. "So you and Jack are official now?" I ask Melody.

"Yeah and we met each others parents as well." She said.

"That's nice." I say.

"So y/n, Fred when are you two making it official?" Alicia asks.

I start blushing and can see that Fred is starting to blush as well. "Official? We are just best friends." I say.

"Best friends that like to flirt." Lee replied, everyone but Fred and I laughed I could feel my cheeks blushing more.

"We don't flirt!" Fred and I said at the same time.

"You do, I had a whole summer of it." George says.

"Whatever." I say turning away from them looking out the window.

"See she's blushing." Said Melody.

Everyone is talking about OWLs at the end of this year when the train stops.

"We can't be at Hogwarts yet." Melody says "so why has the train stopped?"

As Melody was talking you could hear people opening compartment doors and ask each other the same question. The twins looks opened ours and looked either side.

I saw a dark figure move out side the train and tried not to alarm anyone when the lights started flickering screams could be heard throughout the train. I started panicking I think Fred picked up on it.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now