58. High Inquisitor

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It had now been a few days since I had my detention with Umbridge and well I didn't go to her office since. We were now at Quidditch try outs and I was standing in the small captains office when I heard a small knock at the door. 

"Come in." I say and Ron walks in.

"You okay?" I ask him as he looks a little sheepish.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about Fred and George, you know what they can be like." Ron replies.

"I'll talk to them, when I talk to the current team. Don't worry Ron, you will be fine, I believe in you." I say to him, giving him slight hope.

"Thanks, y/n." Ron says.

"You, best get down to the pitch, with the others." I say to him and he leaves me alone in the captains office, I then walk into the changing rooms to see Fred, George and Angelina as Harry was in his detention and Alicia quit the team.

"So we are hoping to find a keeper and a chaser to day, that are good enough to replace Alicia and Oliver." I start saying to the team members. "We have quite a few people trying out today, so hopefully we can find a reserve or two as well. Although, the whole team was needed, Harry is in a detention and as he doesn't really work with us it isn't that bad, but we need someone who works well with us, is dedicated to training and will make time for the team. Now Fred, George you will both be on your best behaviour today and will not make fun of Ron." 

As soon as the pair heard Ron their mouths dropped open.

"Ron?" Fred asked.

"Is trying out for the quidditch team?" George then says.

"Yes, so be nice, I can't deal with you both being horrible to him." I tell them both. "Anyway we should all go down to the pitch."

The four of us leave the changing room and make our way down to the quidditch pitch to be met with the faces of familiar Gryffindor's, including Ron and Katie.

"Thank you all for coming today," I start saying to the group of people in front of me. "So as you all know I have to positions on the team to fill, the keeper and a position as a chaser along side me and Angelina. Today, you will all be working with us as a team to see if we work well together. I will tell you all now, we do quite a lot of training so if you aren't up to that I suggest you leave now. In this session today we will see who can work the best with the team and is the best in the role itself. So one by one for whatever position you want to play you will have a quick ten minute game to see how well you can do." 

we begin the ten minute games and Katie was an amazing chaser, how she wasn't on the team before was unbelievable. Ron turned out to be the best we could get for our keeper however, I also got two reserves including Melody who always wanted to play one game but not be full time.

I'm sitting in the captains office filling out some pieces of parchment to do with the new players and put them in the drawer with the rest of them and I look up to the photo from fifth year when we won the Quidditch Cup, we all looked so happy, looking at the photo I am smiling at the camera like the rest of the team but Fred is looking at me then the camera with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hey beautiful," I look up to Fred at the doorway.

"I thought you went up to the castle with George and Angelina?" I ask him.

"No I wanted to wait for you and George wanted a private chat with her for some reason." Fred says as he walks over to the desk.

"Weird," I reply with a loud yawn.

"You know y/n, I reckon it would be pretty fun to-" He starts saying with a smirk on his face.

"Don't finish that sentence, Fredrick." I say to him as I sort myself.

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