88. Christmas

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"Can't mummy have five more minutes sleep?" I ask as Fred and the girls are wide awake in bed and I'm half asleep.

"No, mummy you can't." Lyra says, and I groan.

"You should of said yes mummy you can, it is too early it's not even seven in the morning yet." I groan as I bury my head in my pillow.

"Mummy, mummy, mummy!" Thea and Lyra shout and Fred laughs.

"Fine, I'm getting up." I lift my head from the pillow and see three red heads all look at me smiling.

"You all look the same, it's freaky, let me sleep." I say , planting my my head back on the pillow.

"Okay, okay, Thea, Lyra let mummy sleep okay?" Fred says to them, "and you can give daddy some cuddles."

I hear the duvet ruffle around and Fred planting kisses on both of the girls heads.

"So Thea, Lyra do you want to hear a story from when mummy and daddy were at Hogwarts?" Fred asks them as I begin to drop off again.

"Yeah." They both say in adorable voices before I fall asleep.

"Come on love, time to wake up." I hear Fred say softly.

"I feel like I haven't got any sleep." I say tiredly.

"You've been tired a lot recently are you sure everything is fine?" Fred asks me.

"Yeah of course I am, but I'm just tired I'm aloud to be." I say, looking up at him and he is looking at me with concern. "What's up?"

"Somethings different with you." Fred says.

"No there isn't, where's the girls?" I ask Fred.

"With George and Angelina, I told them I needed to talk to you." Fred says and I sit up. "I'm just concerned about you, your sleeping a lot and constantly tired, moody and you were complaining about feeling ill the other day..."

"What are you trying to say Fred?" I ask him, still feeling half asleep.

"I think you could be pregnant." Fred says and I shoot up from the bed, having a sudden adrenaline rush. "I'm not certain, but your sudden attitude change and you feeling sleepy all the time and if you are, I know it's not what you want because of all of the uncertainty but either way we will be okay."

Fred wraps me in a hug, pulling a test from his pocket.

"Where did you get that?" I ask him.

"I went to the Muggle village with dad and when he was distracted I picked one up and some snacks for a movie night tonight, dad and I have sorted that Muggle projector thing out so we have a few movies sorted out." Fred tells me, before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"That sounds good, now I'm off for my morning pee so if you hand me the box I shall go and pee on the stick." I say taking the box from Fred.

"Okay, do you want me to come with you or are you okay?" Fred asks me.

"I'm okay love, I shouldn't be too long." I say, placing a kiss on his cheek.

I walk into the bathroom shaking, Fred and I have been using protection so how could I be pregnant?  I sit on the toilet and pull the stick out and pee on it, Godric last time I done this I became a mum, do I really want another baby? No not right now.

I brush my teeth and wash my face, waiting for the results feeling sick to my stomach with nerves.

"Everything okay?" Fred asks from the other side of the door.

"Y-yeah." I say looking down at the test that the results.

"Can I come in?" Fred asks, and I unlock the door and open it and he walks in, shutting the door behind him. "So?"

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now