74. Hello, Old Friend

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Y/n's POV

Where am I? I thought to myself, this place is familiar, I've been here before. I'm in a front garden of a house and I have a feeling that I should go and knock on the door, so I walk over to the door and knock on it and I hear someone inside.

"I swear to Godric Gryffindor, Moony if that is you then -" I see my dad open the door and he stops in his tracks. "Y/n... what are you doing here?" He whispers.

"I have absolutely no clue." I say rather panicked.

"Sirius dear, who's there." I hear a women ask. "It can't be Remus can -"

"Y/n?" The women asked.

"Mum?" I ask her. "Hang on - if I'm here, oh no - shit have I died?"

"Right come in." Dad says dragging me in, wait this is the house, I first grew up in! That's why I recognise is... dad drags me into a room, which was the dinning room with other people there two that I recognise as James and Lily Potter.

"Well - I wasn't expecting that." James says and Lily smacks him.

"I've died haven't I? But - Fred - the babies- the wedding, no - no." I say crying, and my dad pulls me into a hug and my mum following as well.

"Sit down and have some tea." Dad tells me as the rest of the table looks at me as I sit between my parents.

"Well, this is a lovely family reunion, isn't it?" I ask with James spitting whatever he was drinking out.

"The girls got your humour Pads." He says, looking at him I just see Harry.

"So, what's happening to me?" I ask and everyone on the table shares a look.

"Officially, this means you are dead or dying..." my mum tells me.

"This is terrible - I've literally just left my fiancé by himself raising twin girls!" I say. "And that's what I was going to tell you about when you - you know - died." I say to my dad.

"Oh I know, but we watch over you lot - relive our youth so to speak." Dad tells me.

"Thanks for looking after Harry, y/n." Lily tells me, from across the table giving me a small smile.

"It's fine, he is a good kid and he listens to me - well most of the time." I reply, is this what life would of been like if none of them had died? "But all I remember saying is to Molly to tell Fred and the girls that I love them and then boom, lights out."

"We saw, sweetheart and we are so proud of you and those granddaughters of mine are absolutely adorable." My mum tells me.

"They are." I say sadly. "I want to be with them."

"We know but it's near on impossible to go back, otherwise we all would of." My dad tells me, pulling me into a hug as I begin to cry.

"I can't leave them." I say as I sob as the whole table stays silent, my mum sits beside me, clearly unsure of what to do.

Fred's POV

"Any update?" I ask, looking up at the rest of the group, with my mum giving me a look of compassion.

"They said we should prepare for the worst." My mum tells me, as we sit there staring into space, hoping this isn't real, but it all gets disturbed by the babies beginning to cry again, and I stand up, walking into the room, where healers have been walking in and out of doing check ups.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now