17. Bloody Hell

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We arrive at Hogsmead station and I see a familiar group of pure bloods including my siblings and I smirk at them all and continue walking with my friends and we walk to the coaches.

"I need to talk to McGonagall," I tell the group.

"About?" Lee asks, like he didn't hear the whole conversation earlier.

"Everything and changing my parents as my guardians so that they cannot receive anything about me." I explain to the group.

"Are you putting Mum and Dad down?" George asks me.

"Yes I am I already spoke to Molly about it and she said it was fine with Arthur and herself." I tell him.

"Was we not there for that conversation?" Fred asks.

"I wake up early a lot and help your mum with breakfast and we talk." I say.

Fred and George look at each other in surprise and we soon arrive back at Hogwarts, I missed it here. Hogwarts was still covered in a blanket of snow which was nice to see as we didn't get much snow around where we lived it was just cold and rainy.

We walk into the great hall for a welcome back dinner and people who had stayed for Christmas were already sitting at the tables including Harry, Ron and Hermione. We all sit down in our group and I sit next to Fred and we lace our hands together.

Dumbledore began a welcome back speech and hoped we all had a wonderful Christmas and the feast began and we spoke to the third years about Christmas when George announced to them.

"We have a new housemate." George says and Ron looked puzzled.

"What do you mean new housemate?" He asked.

"Me." I say, "and what George means to say is that I now live with you all."

"Why?" He asks looking confused between his brothers and myself.

"Long story mate," Fred replies to his younger brother.

"Does that long story have to do with y/n having a bruise on her face?" Hermione asks.

"See someone puts the puzzle pieces together, and yes it does." I tell them.

"What happened?" Harry asked me.

"To cut the long story short, my mother tried putting me in an arranged marriage we had an argument she kicked me out, then we saw her today and I beat the shit out of her and have now been disowned." I tell the younger three and other students look round.

"Bloody hell." Ron says, well he says that to a lot of things, whilst stuffing his face with food.

"It was bloody awesome though, you seriously don't want to mess with her I had to pull her back and everything." Fred says and the boys look amazed.

"Remind me to never have an argument with you." Ron says and we start laughing.

We then start our own conversations with our friends and the feast finishes and we walk out the door I see my siblings and they give me a ice cold glare which reminds me of my parents.

"Ooo scary," I say and the twins, Lee and Jack all start laughing.

"Don't you care anymore?" Jack asks.

"What are they going to do tell mummy and daddy?" I ask sarcastically as we walk the opposite way to our common room.

"Probably," George says, "it's not like you care anyway." George said.

"I've probably been carved out of their family tree book." I tell them, "I can't remember the name of it so I'll call it that for now." I tell them as we walk up the stairs.

"Everyone ready for quidditch?" I see Oliver walk from behind us.

"Of course we are." I say smiling.

"Y/n brought us new beater bats for Christmas, can't wait to try them out." George says.

"Good thing we have practice tomorrow afternoon then." Oliver says with a smirk, and the three of us groan.

"Already?" Fred asks.

"Yes" he says as we all arrive at the portrait hole and walk in behind other students.

Oliver walks off to his group of friends and we all sit around the fire seeing the girls already there.

"Y/n come here," Melody calls me over to her.

"You okay?" I ask her as I sit next to her.

"Yeah, I was just wondering what have you and Fred done?" She asked blushing a tad.

"Mostly kissing and his hands go for a wonder sometimes, but he is always respectful." I tell her, "what's happened with you and Jack?" I ask her.

"Nothing like that, not yet anyway," she says, "it's always good to have someone to talk to about relationship things as you understand more than the others do." She tells me.

"Trust me I feel the same, it's always nice to speak to someone about similar situations, anyway what do your parents think of Jack?" I ask her.

"They like him and that good because I think I love him and he says his family like me so it all good." She says smiling.

"I would say the same for my family..." I start saying, "but I love Fred's family they are all so kind and caring." I say and I form a small smile.

We carry on talking about relationships and then going off topic, when Fred comes over, "what is so interesting that the two of you can talk about for over an hour without the rest of us?"

"Just stuff," I reply and Melody agrees.

"I bet I can make this conversation 10 times more interesting." Fred replies and we laugh at him.

"You really think that?" I ask him.

"Yes I do"

"Since when did you get so big headed?" I ask him and Melody looks between the two of us.

"I'm not being big headed."

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not your the one with the big head." He says.

"So you're saying I'm more clever than you?" I ask him jumping up.

"I think me copping your homework for the last five years says you are."

"Why thank you Freddie." I say pecking his lips.

"Eww," George and Lee say and I laugh at them, "not in front of us."

"Okay." Say and peck Fred's lips again and the others start laughing.

We end the night on a high and we all go to bed and I fall asleep the easiest I have done in weeks.

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A/n sorter chapter today but I'm tired but I still wanted to post.

Give me ideas for future chapters.

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