97. Epilogue

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Eleven years later...

"Eli - Ellie, please hurry up!" I shout as I make sure their trunks are at the front door and ready to go.

"Stop stressing love, we have ages - Teddy and Sirius also said they would watch over them this year." Fred says, and he catches me crying.

"What's wrong?" Fred asks me, bringing me into a hug.

"My babies are really off to Hogwarts." I say with tears falling down my cheeks.

"I know - but they will be back for Christmas and Thea and Lyra will come and see you and it means we will have more free time." Fred says raising his eyebrows at me.

"We are going to be grandparents in January and you are still that flirty." I say, shaking my head at him.

Yes - grandparents, Lyra was expecting a baby in January with her boyfriend Jake and we were excited but a little shocked as Fred and I weren't even forty yet. Thea and her long term girlfriend Rosie were very happy together and Sirius was living up to his grandfathers name of being a player - well more than what my dad was but he seemed to be calming down now.

"Nothing wrong with it. We are still young love." Fred says, placing a kiss on my lips.

"I know." I sigh as I look at the clock. "Ellie - Eli down here now!"

"We are here mum." Elliot says, with Eleanor trailing behind him.

"Thank you - now let's get going. Your sisters are going to meet us there along with Sirius and Teddy - oh and don't forget the rest of the family." I say, getting my coat on.

"Why?" Eleanor asks.

"Because we are - seeing four of you off this year and everyone has kids that go to Hogwarts dear." I say, as we begin to head out of the house with the trunks.

We arrive at the station meeting Thea - Lyra along with their partners. We saw and met up with many people that we were close with and it felt nostalgic as over twenty years ago that was us.

"Why does y/n look like she has been crying?" Melody asks, as we all meet at the platform.

"Because her babies are all grown up." Fred says. "But it's fine she gets a grandbaby soon."

"I still don't feel ready." I say, as I lean into Fred as all the kids are taking to each other about being sorted and how excited they all were.

Thea ended up in Ravenclaw, whereas Lyra ended up as Hufflepuff - Sirius became a Gryffindor and now we were just waiting on seeing what the twins would get.

"I bet you don't - now you know how Molly felt." Melody laughs, as we begin saying goodbye to the kids.

"Mum?" Eleanor asks, with her y/n colour eyes looking into mine.

"What's up sweetie?" I ask her, kneeling down to her level.

"I - I don't feel ready for Hogwarts, I'm going to miss you and dad too much." Eleanor tells me, and I take her hands in mine.

"You will have the best time there, I never thought that I would have that much fun and then I met your dad, uncle George, uncle Lee, aunties Mels and Angelina and you will make friends and have the best time - I know you will." I say, as I tear drops down her cheek.

"But - I'm scared I won't make friends." Eleanor replies.

"You will - and I love you so much and I'll be proud of you no matter what. You can write to me all the time and even ring me if you need to. You also have all of your cousins as well, so you will never be alone." I tell her, placing a kiss on her forever. "And do you think for one second that Elliot would ever leave you out? You two have always been in-separable."

"I know mum, thank you." Eleanor brings me into a tight hug. "I love you so much and I'll write to you as soon as I can."

"I love you too, Ellie, now have the best time of your life." I say, placing a kiss on her forehead as she says bye to Fred and Elliot comes and gives me a tight hug. "I love you Eli, make sure you look after yourself and Ellie."

"I will mum - I alway will she is my twin. And I love you too mum." Elliot replies, before pulling away to say by to all of the others.

As the train leaves the station I rest my head in Fred's chest, watching the kids wave to us.

Watching the train leave reminds me of leaving the platform my first time way back when I was eleven and not seeing how my life would turn out... meeting all my best friends, the love of my life and building a family with him, loosing many loved ones but gaining more. Truly Hogwarts holds the highs and lows of my life but I would never take any of it back - not one second of it.

"What are you thinking about?" Fred asks me.

"Just thinking about a girl who set off on that train many years ago, meeting these two boys on the train before falling in love with one and her whole life changing because of him." I tell Fred, as we stand on the platform.

"I would love to hear this story - but I have a feeling I lived through it." Fred says, as we loop hands and apparate home.

That night we got Hogwarts letters about Elliot and Eleanor being sorted.

"Elliot was sorted into Gryffindor and Eleanor... Slytherin... wow." I say, showing Fred the letters.

"Head to head in competition." Fred says with a massive smile on his face.

"Yes - I just hope it doesn't cause too many arguments." I say, settling down in bed.

As I drift off to sleep, I think back to all the memories I've made and how much I sometimes miss living through it all - I never thought I would love someone this much and let alone him being my best friend then boyfriend, fiancé and finally husband - but it all started with a girl and a boy on a train.

The end

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A/n: for everyone :)

Thank you to every single one of you for the continued support for the last five months, it has made me unbelievably happy. I started writing because I was bored one day and here we are. Honestly love the support I have got after every chapter and all of the kind hearted comments that I get from some of you :)
Whether you comment, vote or even read it means a lot to me and I couldn't be more thankful that you have all chose to read my story.

Don't worry I have another Fredweasleyxreader story already in the works with a few chapters already called 'pinky promise', I hope you all can give it a read when you can.

But here we are the last chapter of before I go, and it kind of breaks my heart to finish this but...

'the song is ending but the story never ends.'

Once again thank you all so much, and I am genuinely crying right now so I'm going to leave this here...

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