14. The Christmas Eve Ball

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After the last couple of days planning Christmas Eve finally came and the last of the preparations were coming together, it looked quite good actually, of course it would my mother wouldn't want anything less than the best.

The ice sculpture had arrived and the orchestra came to start setting everything up and everything was in pristine condition for tonight.

"I think we done a good job girls, don't you think?" My mother asks Lucinda and myself.

"I think it looks amazing," I say smiling which was a rare sight I barely ever had a genuine smile around my parents it was mostly a fake expression.

"I think we done a good job." Lucinda says

The clock charms in the background, notifying us that it was four in the afternoon.

"I suppose we should start getting ready?" I suggested and they both agreed I was up the stairs and into my room.

I step into my en suite bathroom and turn the shower on and step into the warm running water. I finish up in the shower dry myself and place me silk dressing gown around me and tie is up.

I try my hair and start to style it into a classy bun and pull a few strands of hair from either side to frame my face, it looks good.

I then walk to the wardrobe and grab the dress out, I slip out of the dressing gown and into the dress. I then sat at my dressing table and applied my make up. I then grab a small tiara which sits next to the diadem both of which my grandmother left me and place it one my head.

I look in the mirror and fiddle with the pendant that Fred got me for my birthday it was honestly my most favourite present I have ever been brought.

I then place my shoes on my feet and look at the clock, 7:46 pm I should make my way downstairs when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I say clearly and the door opened I was expecting one of my parents but it was Adrian.

"We arrived early and both of our parents suggested I come up here to see you," I see in his arms a bouquet of red roses I stand up and walk over to him.

"Of course they did, and let me guess they asked you to bring them up to me as well?" I ask him gesturing to the flowers he is holding.

"My parents idea but yes." He says and we share a small laugh as he hands them to me.

"Thank you, Adrian." I say taking the flowers and placing them on the side.

"I suppose we should go down before other guests arrive." I tell him and he agrees.

We walk into the hallway and shut the door behind us and Adrian links his right arm with my left and we walk down the stairs to be greeted by my parents and his.

"Does she like the roses?" His father asks him

"Yes, she loves them." I smile and agree with him.

My parents then move to the door greeting guests as Adrian and I walk around the hall in conversation, he was actually quite pleasant to talk to and we had some things in common on of which was quidditch and getting into a well structured debate about whose team was better.

"Just because your whole team has nimbus 2001 doesn't mean you are automatically better." I tell him.

"It helps though doesn't it?" He replies

"Yes, you technically have the advantage as the whole team has better brooms, but talent over brooms has to count for something." I say.

Before he could continue, my father gathered everyone's attention as he began his speech, "welcome everyone to the annual Christmas ball," there were cheers heard through the ball room. "I would just like to thank my wife Katherine and my two daughter y/n and Lucinda for planning such a lovely party." He says.

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