28. Nine Weasleys and an Avery

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It was now the first of August and the eldest two Weasleys were coming home a few days earlier than planned and we were all excited, Percy not so much. We haven't seen the two since December and it now being the beginning of August meant we haven't seen them for over seven months.

The house gets pretty packed when the Bill and Charlie come back especially now that I live here now as well.

I couldn't wait to hear more stories from the two of them. They both had such fascinating stories.

However, Molly was getting a very short temper with the twins as she recently found their joke shop forms and supply's and went absolutely crazy at them and then me. She didn't get so mad at me but she brought up that this was the reason they both only got three pass grades.

- - flashback - -

"I am absolutely appalled with this!" Molly shouted at the three of us as we stood there.

She was cleaning the twins room when she came across the stuff for Weasley Wizard Wheezes.

"Especially the two of you, is this what you do instead of studying for exams?" She shouts even louder looking between the twins.

"Don't even answer that I think I've figure that out for myself! I am extremely disappointed, what happens if it all backfires?" She asks the pair as I stood there awkwardly, I personally think she only shouted at me because I'm always with the twins in their room.

"It won't!" They twins say in protest.

"But it will!" Molly shouts back immediately, "what will you both do then?"

"It's not going to back fire, mum" Fred says.

"We know what we are doing," George says.

After another ten minutes of back and forth arguing we get dismissed from the room.

- - back to present day - -

Bill and Charlie have now arrived back at the borrow and everyone was overjoyed, they got here before Arthur and Percy finished work which made it a little less chaotic.

"My boys back home!" Molly says as she runs over to them and pulls them into a tight hug. Both boys wrap an arm around her as she some how tightens the hug.

"Mum too tight, you are going to squeeze the air out of me." Charlie says and Molly let's go of them.

"I've missed you both so much." Molly says, as Ron and Ginny run down the stairs and Ginny pulls them into a hug.

- - - -

It had been a good few hours since they arrived hearing stories about their work and it sounds like so much fun when Charlie started to ask me a question.

"So y/n I heard from a little birdie you had a fight with your mum." Charlie says and starts laughing.

"Yes she did and it was wicked!" Fred shouts. "She didn't hold back." He says and he starts laughing.

"It wasn't wicked Fred, it was amazing!" I say matching his energy of jumping around.

"I had to try and hold her back and everything didn't work though," Fred says pulling in me into a hug.

"Well at least we know she can handle herself." Bill says and laughs lightly.

As Molly cooked dinner, which I offered to help out with, Bill, Charlie, the twins, Ginny, Ron and I were all cracking jokes and laughing when Percy and Arthur got back from work. They joined us in the living room.

"Bill! Charlie!" Arthur walks over to Bill first to pull him into a quick hug then Charlie for another quick hug.

"How's work then boys?" Arthur asks them pulling them into a conversation which intrigued everyone when Fred nudged me.

"Fancy sneaking off for five minutes?" He whispers in my ear and I nod my head and he grabs my hand and we creep upstairs.

We walk into a small bathroom and lick the door behind us.

"I feel like we haven't had time just us for ages." Fred tells me.

"That's because we haven't." I say to him whilst looking into his dark brown eyes.

He pulls my chin up to his face and pulls me into a passionate kiss, I can feel my heart beat increasing. He pulls one leg up gesturing he me to jump which I do and he catches the other leg and a wrap both legs around his back. He holds my thighs as we deepen the kiss.

After a few minutes he starts kissing my neck and continued before-


"Oi, lovebirds my doesn't want any kids yet!" George said shouting at the door.

Fred and I look at each other and I sigh.

"It was nice whilst it lasted," I tell him and we share a small laugh.

I hop down from Fred's arms and unlock the door and open it to face George smirking, "Cockblock." I hiss at him before going to walk down stairs when George starts laughing at Fred.

"I'll be down in a minute." Fred said and George's laughing at him even more.

"No you aren't you are coming down with me." George replied to his brother dragging him down the hallway as I walk down the stairs.

I sit down in my seat I always sit in facing the stairs as Fred practically refuses to walk down them, whilst George starts pushing him down. Fred was holding his hands over the bulge in his trousers.

"What is wrong with you Fred?" Molly asks her son.

"Nothing." He replies very quickly trying to not move down the stairs.

"Oh I know what's wrong." Charlie said nudging Bill who was sat next to him and the pair started laughing, which made Fred's face burn a bit.

George pushed him down the last few steps and Molly looks between the two of us which made the laughing even worse.

"Seems y/n/n here made Freddie very excited." George said as him Bill and Charlie laughed even harder which made us both blush with embarrassment.

"Shut up!" Fred says which makes them laugh harder as he sits next to me.

We eat dinner with the boys winding up Fred every couple of minutes with some jokes making Percy and Arthur laugh.

After eating we all talk for a bit then the twins and I go upstairs and start doing more joke shop stuff and we all then go to bed.

- - - -

A/n: started writing the chapter then an emotional episode of doctor who came on so I stopped for bit anyway hope you all enjoy!

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