57. The Detention

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I sat reading my book whilst Fred, George and Lee where testing the twins products on some first years whilst Melody and Jack where upstairs in one of the dorm rooms. Since being back at Hogwarts I felt a little more positive although with Umbridge here it was impossible to actually feel happy.

"That's enough!" I hear shouting and look up to see Hermione shouting at Fred and George.

"Yeah, you're right, this dosage looks strong enough, doesn't it?" George says, and I just shake my head at them with a small smirk on my face.

"I told you this morning, you can't test your rubbish on students! And y/n I thought you would of told them." She says turning to me and I hold my hands up defensively.

"It has nothing to do with me." I say and she turns back around to the twins.

"Anyway, we're paying them!" Fred said.

"I don't care, it could be dangerous!" Hermione says raising her voice at the pair of them.

"Rubbish." Fred says.

"Calm down, Hermione, they're fine!" Lee told her reassuringly as he put the purple sweets into each of the first-years mouths.

"Yeah, look, they're coming around now." George told her.

The first years started waking up, looking slightly confused.

"Feel all right?" George asked a small girl lying at his feet.

"I - I think so." She replies shakily.

"Excellent." Fred said, writing something on a clipboard sending me a small smile.

"It is not excellent!" Hermione raises her voice again.

"Course it is, they're alive aren't they?" Fred said, looking like he was getting slightly angry.

"You can't do this, what if you made one of them really ill?" Hermione replies.

"We're not going to make them ill, we've already tested them all on ourselves, this is just to see if everyone reacts the same." Fred tells her.

"Look Hermione you are fighting a loosing battle here, just let them get on with it. Also Jack and I said it's fine and I have the same privileges as you and Jack overalls you." I tell her.

"Seriously y/n? If you don't stop doing it, I'm going to-" Hermione starts saying before Fred cuts her off.

"Put us in detention?" Fred said, looking like he is going to start laughing at any second.

"Make us write line?" George said, laughing causing most people in the common room to laugh.

"No, but I will write to your mother." Hermione replied, and a horrified look appeared on Fred and George's faces.

"Now that's a threat if I've heard one." I say with a smirk on my face.

"You wouldn't." George said gobsmacked.

"Oh, yes, I would and y/n don't think I won't mention you either." She says looking at me then looking back at the twins. "I can't stop you eating the stupid things yourselves, but you're not to give them to the first-years."

Fred and George were speechless. Hermione walked away and I just laughed at them.

"I don't know what your laughing about y/n, she said she'll tell mum about you as well." George says.

"And? I didn't actually partake in this besides I'm trying to relax and dealing with you two is not the way to go about it." I tell him.

Fred hands his brother the clipboard and then comes and sits next to me.

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