71.The Quidditch Team Catch Up

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The summer, came and went quickly, I wanted to see the kids off to platform nine and three quarters but the whole Order told me no, because of me being pregnant and told Fred and George to keep and eye on me the whole time. This evening we were having the whole group round and Oliver for a little Quidditch team catch up as most of us have been on the team at some point.

"Come one babe, relax, they aren't going to let Harry get hurt now are they?" Fred says to me as I sit at the cash register.

"I suppose not." I reply.

"Exactly and you gave him that mirror thing, just like your dad did, so you can talk to him whenever really with no trouble." Fred tells me, clearly not a fan of my moodiness.

"I know - I know, I'm aloud to worry about him, I'm the closest thing he has to family and I could never forgive myself if something happened to him." I tell Fred.

"I know - his Harry Potter he will be fine." Fred tells me.

"It's just his name - it doesn't mean he is going to be fine." I say, with slight attitude.

"She's got a point Fred, it is just a name after all." George says, from behind him.

With all the kids back off to Hogwarts the shop has become increasingly quiet, so we were all on top of everything.

"I was just trying to reassure her," Fred tells him.

"Consider me reassured." I say to him, as the babies kick around. "Can you two calm down a bit?" I ask them, rubbing the bump.

"See they agree with me, you need to calm down." Fred tells me.

"Yeah, okay, I'm hungry - you two want anything?" I ask as it's only the three of us in the store at the moment.

"I'm okay, thanks." George says, "you go and rest - you look tired."

"Thanks George." I say sarcastically. "I'll make you something for later anyway - can't let you starve."

"What about me?" Fred asks.

"I'm making you something too, don't worry I could never forget you." I say to him, slowly getting up from the stool I was sitting on.

"I'll walk you up the stairs." Fred says, placing a hand on the small of my back.

"I'm fine, Fred, I know how to walk up stairs by myself." I say laughing lightly.

"I know you do, but you are almost six months pregnant." Fred begins to tell me. "And I want to look after all three of you, so that's what I'm doing."

"I really appreciate it but we have a week until I'm six months pregnant. Wow, it's going too quick." I say as we continue to walk up the stairs.

"It is, it only seems like yesterday when you told me that I was going to be a dad." Fred says and I smile, looking back at the memory and laughing lightly at the fact he spat his wine out. "What are you laughing at?"

"The memory of when I told you, honestly the look on your face and when you spat the wine out - it was pretty funny." I tell him and he laughs with me.

"At first I thought you were pranking me and then you showed the bump and well I thought oh shit, am I too immature? But clearly not." He says with a smirk.

"Are you sure? Because you still seem immature to me." I tel him.

"Well, maybe a little bit but that's what makes me fun, now you go and rest we have everyone round and I can't deal with you being grouchy and tired." Fred says, ushering me into the flat. "Anyway, I love you three." He says placing a kiss on my lips.

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