63. New Term

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"So we're going to have the wedding at the burrow, yeah?" I ask Fred.

"Yeah, only if you want, I don't want you to feel like we have to have the wedding there." Fred tells me, as we sit sipping hot chocolates upstairs in our bed.

"I would love to, and we need to think of who we are inviting like are we thinking a big wedding or small?" I say to him as we want the kinks worked out for the wedding before going back to Hogwarts.

"I'm not sure, nothing too big, we need to see who we want to invite because you aren't going to want to invite most of your family, are you?" Fred says and it's true I'm not going to want anyone but my dad and uncle Remus there realistically.

"Not really, I suppose it's was my dad, Remus, Tonks, possibly her mum and dad and that's it for family, my grandparents on my mums side are dead and I don't think Katherine, Micheal, Austin and Lucinda would like to come, they might say something at the dinner and we can go from there." I say to him and I take a sip of my hot chocolate. "I'm still thinking more next April once we have got settled with things such as the joke shop and my job, whatever I want to do, that is." I say to Fred.

"Yeah, April next year sounds amazing love, spring wedding, can get the rest of the Hogwarts kids down for the holiday." Fred tells me.

"Yeah, so Holidays are beginning of April and there for what two weeks we can work around that, and then our honeymoon can be once they all go back." Fred says as he stands up.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

"Was going to go downstairs, mum said the others are going to get dad from St Mongo's but she wants us to sit and wedding plan, she's very excited, she said and I quote, 'I never thought you would get married let alone be the first one out of you all.'" Fred tells me.

"Good thing you found me then." I tell him, putting the bow empty mug on the side then sighing lightly.

"What's up beautiful?" Fred asks.

"Nothing, I'm just tired, but I am also very excited about this wedding planning, but even more excited to be your wife." I say, giving Fred a massive smile.

"I can't wait for you to be my wife." Fred tells me, placing a soft kiss on my lips, before deepening it, climbing on top of me on the bed.

"I'm glad, most of the house is out, right now." I say to him as things get a little heated, and we are both getting undressed.

We then hear the door open.

"Oh my Godric!" I hear Melody shout.

"I never wanted to see that!" Jack says, before shutting the door and I look to Fred.

"I can't wait to have our own place." Fred says, groaning.

"Me too." I say as we get dressed.

"You can both come back in, now." I tell Melody and Jack once we finished getting dressed.

"Molly said you needed to talk to me, before the rest of them left." Melody says, looking at me.

"Oh yes, I do, we can quickly go to the other room." I say to her, and we walk out and into a spare room; the room was currently unoccupied by anyone.

"So what's up?" Melody asks.

"So we've decided on bridesmaids, Ginny, Hermione, Alicia and Angelina and I was wondering if you wanted to be my maid of honour?" I ask her with a smile and a smile creeps onto Melody's face.

"Of course I will." She says, wrapping me in a hug.

"I knew you would say yes." I say to her wrapping my arms around her.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now