38. Back to Hogwarts

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I woke up sweating and crying whilst trying to catch my breath back. I look around the room and I haven't woken the twins, that's good. I get up quietly and exit the room. Walking into the dark hallway walking down the hall so silently trying not to wake anyone else up. I walk down the stairs; entering the kitchen and get myself a glass to fill up with some water. I take small sips of the water whilst my breathing finally slows down.

I look out the window and see the sunrising when I hear the stairs creak behind me. I turn around and see Molly waking down the stairs.

"Oh, good morning, y/n." She says as she finishes walking down the stairs.

"Good morning, Molly. Sleep well?" I ask her as she walks into the kitchen.

"Yeah dear, what's up dear? You are sweating and look like you have been crying." She says pulling me into a soft but a safe comforting hug.

I explain to her what happened in the nightmare and that I woke up crying and sweating so I came to get a drink.

"Sit down, dear, I'll get you some tea." She tells me as I sit on the chair.

"I'll talk to Arthur about this he may know something." Molly says as she starts to make breakfast.

"Hopefully, is he at work already?" I ask her and she nods her at me.

"Not yet, he is having a bit of a lay in today." She tells me as a familiar figure appeared in the fire and I day dreamed off.

"Arthur!" She called from the bottom of the stair case, "Arthur? Urgent message from the Ministry!" She shouts to him.

I heard Arthur dashing down the stairs as Molly rummaged through a drawer.

"I've got a quill somewhere." Molly was talking to Amos Diggory who's face was in they fire.

"... Muggle neighbours heard bangs and shouting, so they called those what-d'you-call-them- please men. Arthur, you've got to get over there-" Amos told Arthur as he rushed around.

"Here," Molly says giving Arthur a bottle of ink, a quill and a piece of parchment into his hands.

"- it's a real stroke of luck I hear about it. I had to come into the office early to send a couple of owls, and I found the Improper Use of Magic lot all setting off - if Rita Skeeter gets a hold of this one, Arthur." Amos' head was saying as Arthur and Molly looked at it whilst Fred, George, Harry and Ron all enter the room.

"What does Mad-Eye say happened?" Arthur asked Amos as he had his quill, ink and parchment ready to write.

"Says he hear and intruder in his yard. Says they were creeping towards the house, but they were ambushed by his dustbins." Amos said, as the boys came to sit at the table and Fred and George take their places either side of me.

"What's going on?" George asks me in a hushed tone, as him and Fred both face me, looking at me for answers.

"From what I've heard it sounds like someone tired to attack the aurora Mad-Eye Moody." I tell them. "Although it sounds like they never got the chance and I'm not surprised."

"It's got to be someone he has put in Askaban." Fred said as we waited for Molly to continue with breakfast.

"Yeah, he filled up half of Askaban, bit of a nutter though." George says whispering.

"Yeah it's seems a little strange." I say to them both.

"All right I'm off," Arthur says as he stuffs his pocket with the parchment with the notes he just took down then rushing out of the kitchen.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now