45. The First Task

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It had now been a few days since Fred and I rekindled our relationship and I've never felt happier, he walked me to all of my lessons and even waited for me to finish them. I spoke to Cedric who wasn't all that bothered as he had a crush on a fifth year Ravenclaw, Cho, so in a way we were each other's rebounds. Today I decided to write to my father, well, Micheal.

I'm sitting here on deciding how to write the letter to him and start to write.

Dear father (Micheal),

Over the last few months, I have had these nightmares more like memories to say, at first I didn't really understand them and as time has gone on these nightmares have started to make sense. I have even had everything confirmed with actual evidence so there is no need to lie to me.

I know you and Katherine, the people I believed to be my parents aren't actually at all. See I know I'm actually your niece as Katherine's sister Elizabeth is actually my mother and I know my father is Sirius Black. I've known for a little while now and with some help, this got confirmed.

I'm guessing you never wanted me to find out or ever thought I would, I suppose this is why in some aspects the pair of you never wanted me to become close to the Weasleys as it made it easier for me to find out. This makes sense of why I'm in Gryffindor now because from what I know both of my parents are blood-traitors and that's why you both tried everything in your power to stop me becoming one as well.

I legally want to change my name back to my fathers surname but I'll need your help with that until I turn eighteen.

I also wanted to say that I know who killed my mother and you know too but that is something I don't think I'll be able to discuss with another person,

With love, Y/n Elizabeth Lily Black.

I look over the later and fold it into an envelope. Ever since discovering about who my biological parents actually are I done as much digging as I could, with the help of Molly, which led to me finding out about my middle names being Elizabeth Lily. And the reason I had my own vault is because with my biological mother being dead and my father being in Askaban everything went to me including the money from Sirius' mother as it was left to him.

"Done?" Fred walks over to me and I nod my head.

"Yeah, all done, I suppose this makes a big change in a lot of things now." I say with a small smile.

"Yeah I suppose it does, Black." Fred says with a grin.

"God it's going to be weird with having Black as my sir name but it is my original surname I just  need Micheal to help me get some papers signed and I should be good to go." I say with a massive smile on my face.

"You look so happy and I love it." Fred tells me engulfing me into a tight hug.

"Harry said I could borrow Hedwig to deliver the letter, he also said Sirius wrote back to him and that he was very surprised that Harry knew me for the last couple of years, Harry also told him about us being on the quidditch team together and from what Harry told me Sirius couldn't be more happy for us three to be a little family." I say with an even bigger smile on my face.

"I'm so happy for you y/n, let's get that letter delivered." Fred says pulling me up with one hand.

We deliver the letter and a few days had passed and it was now breakfast and I get two letters one who I could clearly tell was Michaels hand writing and another.

I open the one from Micheal first.

Dearest Y/n,

I'm sorry you found out this way but I would be more than happy to help you get this sorted out for you, I'll sort the papers out at the Ministry and send them off for you to then sign and then it will all be done for you. I hope this makes you happy in life and I still love you like your my own daughter.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now