59. Head in the Fire

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Although I had originally planned to go and see my dad and Remus whilst everyone went to Hogsmeade, Hermione came to me and the rest of my friends about Harry teaching us Defence Against the Dark Arts and I'll give the kid his due he really did know how to defend himself against the dark arts. Molly and my dad both wrote back and was glad to hear I was on the mend and that I was eating and sleeping again, dad also agreed that we should maybe wait until Christmas and my birthday to see him.

"So where are we going?" George asks as we walk through Hogsmeade.

"To the Hogs Head, do you ever listen?" I ask him.

"Evidently not." Melody says, I then see a sign for the Hogs Head.

"There it is." I say walking faster and dragging Fred along with me.

"We are probably late because of those three in Zonko's." Angelina says.

"There's nothing wrong with it." Lee huffed.

"There is, especially when you spend loads of money on that crap." Alicia say as I push the door open to be greeted with a big group of people, mainly Gryffindor's and we sit around a table crammed around for nine of us. Fred then walked up to the bar and I went with him.

"Hi... could we have twenty- five butterbeers please?" Fred asked the man from behind the bar and he start passing them up. "Cheers, cough up everyone, I haven't got enough gold to pay for you." He says and people start digging for gold through their pockets and I go to pay for mine and Fred stops me.

"You are the exception, because you are my girlfriend." Fred tells me.

"But I -" I try to protest.

"No buts y'n, just take the butterbeer and sit down." He says to me and I go and sit down with the rest of my friends carrying as many butterbeers as I could and they take them from my arms all thanking me.

Everyone eventually settles down around Harry, Ron and Hermione all looking quite curious about what's going to be said.

"Well - err - hi." Hermione says nervously standing up in front of the small crowd. "Well... you all... erm - know why we are here. Well Harry had the idea - I mean I had the idea that it might be good if people who wanted to study defence against the dark arts and I mean, really study it, you know, not the rubbish that Umbridge is doing with us because nobody would call it that."

"Hear, hear." A voice in the background could be heard.

"Well I thought we can take it into our own hands." Hermione says. "And by that i mean learning how to defend ourselves properly, not just theory but doing the real spells-"

"You want to pass your defence against the dark arts OWL too, though, I bet?" Some kid asked who I guessed was in their year.

"Of course I do, but more than that, I want to be properly trained in defence because... because Lord Voldemort is back." She says and the reaction that followed suit is what you would naturally expect. "Well that's the plan anyway. If you want to join us, wee need to decide how we're going to meet."

"Where's the proof you-know-who is back?" Some kid asked in an aggressive tone.

"Well, Dumbledore believes it-" Hermione started to say before being cut off by the same kid.

"You mean, Dumbledore believes him." The blond kid says nodding towards Harry.

"Why's Harry going to lie about it?" I ask the kid before Ron speaks up.

"Who are you?" Ron asks with a rather rude tone in his voice.

"Zacharias Smith, and I think we've got the right to know exactly what makes him say you-know-who is back." The kid replies.

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