29. Summer loving

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It had been a couple of days since Charlie and Bill arrived back to the burrow and Ginny was never more happy that another girl was there.

With the other boys being at the burrow it was somewhat easier to sneak away from George as he and Fred are always attached at the hip which means no free time between us. Things are getting a little more advanced between us and I like it being together for just under a year means stuff will happen sooner or later even if Molly wouldn't want to think about it.

With Fred and I sneaking off and the others noticing I'm surprised they didn't say anything to Molly, but we all know how she would react with lord of new rules in place for the two of us.

Currently Fred and I were sitting in mine and Ginny's room in my bed. I was resting my head on his chest as it went up and down it was relaxing.

"Fred" I start saying to him, "if you told me two years ago that we out of everyone would be in a relationship I would never see it, I liked you a lot but I never knew you reciprocated the feelings for me." I tell him.

"Out of everyone we always knew it would be Melody and Jack, although apparently everyone else saw us together but us." He tells me as he plays with my y/c/h.

"I do love you Fred and no one can stop me from ever being with you." I tell him looking in his deep brown eyes pecking him on the cheek.

"I know you mean it, angel, you've proved it multiple times and not just to me." He says chuckling lightly at his own words.

"I always want to be with you Fred no matter what no one can stop me or us." I say determinedly, I could feel that something was going to happen soon, something dark like before, but I didn't want to admit to Fred that I was scared or felt that something was coming.

"Nothing will ever split us apart because I won't let it." He holds on to me that little bit tighter which makes all the difference to my feelings and emotions.

The one person I will always protect will be Fred and the future I see us in together.

We sat in a comfortable silence as we hugged one another, I'm not quite sure how long it lasted for but it was disrupted by Ginny walking into the room.

"Ooo, look at you love birds" Ginny says giggling, "should I come back another time?" She asks sarcastically.

"Yes of course you should." Fred says back to his little sister as she sits on the bed next to us.

"Do you know what, I still can't believe that Fred out of the six of us left was to get a girlfriend, I always thought Bill would be first but Percy took that role," she says chatting away to us. "Although y/n I don't know how you put up with Fred, George and Lee all together."

"Neither do I half the time Ginny, I think have adapted to their behaviour." I tell her, as I snuggle into Fred's side as we talk to his younger sister.

"But y/n you are totally gorgeous and Fred is well... Fred..." she says trying not to offend her older brother.

"Oi!" Fred shouts, "I am literally sitting here." He tells Ginny.

"Ginny as his sister you won't see him as much which is expected. But as his girlfriend every last detail is attractive to me down to the last speckle in his eyes." I say to her as I stare into Fred's brown as which pull me in even more each time I look at them.

"Eww sometimes the pair of you are too much and act like a married couple," Ginny says with disgust on her face. "Although if you two get married, I will have another sister in some way." She says with a huge smile on her face.

"Wow." Fred and I say at the same time.

"Ginny, we need to wait a few years first, at least till we finish Hogwarts." Fred says to his younger sister as we share a quick glance with each other.

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