7. Marauder's Map

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Hogsmead day had finally come around, I honestly loved this day and to top it off it was snowing. Hogwarts in the snow was amazing it gave it the best feeling that Christmas was coming up.

The twins and I were making a snowman together whilst the others went a head doing all of their stuff.

We then stop and see footprints in the snow, ahh Harry we knew he would try at some point. Fred and George go either side of him and grab him and drag him along and I follow them.

"Ahh guys let me go." Harry said.

"Clever Harry" one of them says.

"But not clever enough." The other says, even though I'm Fred girlfriend and have known them both for 5 years I still go confused especially when they finish each others sentences.

"Besides we have a better way." George said

"Guys come on I'm trying to get to hogsmead." Harry said, we still couldn't see him I was giggling to myself behind them all.

"We know." We all say in unison.

"Don't worry we will get you there."

"We will show you a quicker way"

"If you pipe down."

Harry kicks making noises trying to get the twins to let him go.

"Aww bless him"

"Guys let me go"

"Now Harry..." Fred started

"Come and join the big boys." Both of them said at the same time, did I just feel butterfly's in my stomach I think so.

They hand Harry the Marauders map, that thing has come in handy so many times over the years as I stand between Fred and George whilst Harry was standing opposite us.

"Messers. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's map." Harry asked with a questioning look on his face.

"We owe them so much" said George. We really did all those escapes from teachers would of never happened without it.

"Hang on." Harry begun, "this is Hogwarts. And that... No. Is that really...?

"Dumbledore" Fred said

"In his study"George then started saying.

"Pacing" Fred then took over.

"Does that a lot." I finish off.

Harry still looked confused, "so you mean this map shows...?"

"Everyone." Fred answered

"Everyone?" Harry looked amazed.

"Everyone" George said

"Where they are" Fred then said

"What they are doing" I swear they are doing some twin telepathic thing now.

"Every minute" Fred then said

"Of every day" George  finished saying.

Harry looked so amazed, "brilliant! Where'd you get it?" He asked us.

"Nicked it from Filch's office, of course, first year, dungbombs" I say smirking.

"Now, listen." George began saying, "there are seven secret passageways out of the castle we'd recommend..."

"This one." We all say pointing at the map.

"One-eyed witch passageway" Fred said

"It'll lead you straight to honeyduke's cellar." George said.

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