73. The Weasley's Arrival

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Honestly bed rest was so boring, it was now the fifteenth of November and it had nearly been four weeks since I went on bed rest. I wrote a lot to the younger kids and sent Harry a magical mirror and I was currently talking to him and the other kids.

"Yeah, she's still in St Mongos, Alicia is really torn up about it as well, so you still think it was Malfoy who done it?" I ask Harry.

"Yeah, it's got to be." Harry says.

"Harry we don't know that for sure." Hermione says, I then hear people starting to talk in the background. "So the babies haven't decided to show up yet?" Hermione asks me changing the topic of the conversation.

"Nope, I'm glad though, it means they've been able to grow more, but I keep getting bad back pain every couple of hours and then it just goes." I tell her.

"I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle soon." I hear Ron say.

"I can't wait to be an auntie!" I hear Ginny shout in the background.

"You'll all be excellent babysitters." I say to them laughing slightly.

"I would love to babysit them." Hermione says.

"Me too, we could do it together." Ginny says and I see Ron and Harry both pull a face.

"That's if your brother will let you both, but I will let you and boys don't you worry, I would never ask the two of you to do such a thing." I tell the group as the back pain comes back and I groan in pain.

"You okay?" The four of them ask, rather panicked.

"Yes - yes, I'm fine, just this back pain and look it's gone again." I say cheerfully.

"I think you had the whole common room scared there y/n," Ron says.

"Let me say hi to them all." I say to Harry.

"Okay - okay, most people are in here anyway." He tells me.

"Hi everyone!" I shout, trying not to be too loud.

"Hi!" Most people respond.

"Is that y/n?" A fellow sixth year of the trio asks, named Dean.

"Yeah." Ron tells them. "She's going to have the babies soon."

"Not too soon, I hope." I tell him.

"I still can't believe that won-won is going to be an uncle - you are going to be the best uncle." I hear Lavender say, and I pull a face at Harry, who just pulls one back, when the back pain comes back, sharper and harder than before.

"OUCH!" I shout.

"Y/N!" I hear several voices shout, then the door swinging open several seconds later.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Molly asks.

"Really bad back pain, it's been on and off all day but it's becoming more frequent." I tell Molly, and her expression changes.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Don't panic, but I think you are slowly going into labour." Molly says and I hear panic from the other side of the mirror and Molly takes it from me as I squirm in pain.

"Right kids, y/n needs to go now, but as soon as she's good, I'll get her to get back to you all." Molly tells them and without a response she closes the mirror, her attention focusing on me. "Breath in and out."

"It's okay the pains gone, could you help me to the bathroom please?" I ask Molly.

"Of course, dear." She says, helping me up, we are walking to the bathroom and splash.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now