49. The Second Task

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We are now at the beginning of February and the second task was at the end of this month. Since the Yule Ball, well things between Fred and I were going absolutely amazingly, although on a few incidents we had to be reminded by people about our behaviour in public including teachers at some points and our friends on many occasions.

Micheal (dad) sent off the papers my name was legally changed back to Black which was confusing for quite a few people and teachers especially since my name was at the start for the register and had now moved to Jacks. I had also been writing to Sirius, well dad and told him about me, my friends and of course Fred and that brings us up to the current day.

Fred, George, Lee and myself were now sitting in the boys dorm whilst the twins worked on joke shop products and my head was in Fred's lap as they were working.

"So we added to much of this." Fred says holding up a bottle, "so we add half the dose and go from there."

"You know if you done things like this in potions you probably would of passed." I say turning my head up to look up at his face.

"What's the fun in that?" George asks, "this is more fun, no one telling us what to do."

"Yeah, have we ever liked rules?" Lee asks.

"This is true all the things that have happened over the years, we've probably broken them all by now because you always drag me into everything." I say to them.

"You do enjoy it though, so I don't know why you are complaining." George says.

"That's true my life would be boring without you all, anyway I need to write back to my dad; can I borrow a quill, ink and some parchment please?" I ask the three boys.

"Yeah there is some in my trunk over there," Fred tells me, I get up and walk over to his trunk to get the equipment out, walking back over to the group and leaning on the floor.

The boys are chatting in the background as I start to write.

To Dad,

I hope everything is well and that you are keeping safe. It's now only twenty days until the second task, hopefully Harry does well this time just like he did on the first one. On other news, classes are going well and it looks like at the end of next year I will have the NEWTs I need for what career I choose to do.

My friends say hi, Fred and George are currently making joke shop products. From what you told me about you and your friends when you were our age the twins and Lee remind me of you all so much.

I'm hoping I can see you soon, possibly the summer, we have a lot of bonding with each other to catch up on. Anyway, I have some essays to do but I thought I would quickly write back to you.

All my love, y/n.

I put the lid back on to the ink pot, letting the ink that is on the parchment dry before folding the letter up.

"So do you know when you are going to see Sirius?" Fred asks me as I put the ink and the quill into his trunk.

"I'm hoping the summer, it feels weird to say that I've not seen him for thirteen years but I am excited that I will be finally aloud to see him." I say with a smile naturally appearing on my face.

"I'm excited to meet him too." Fred tells me, "although his letter the other week was a little scary." Fred says then pulling a slightly scared face.

He was right Dad wrote a letter to Fred basically saying if you hurt my daughter in any kind of way I will kill you and if you get her pregnant I will kill you and go to Askaban again. Well the look on Fred's face was priceless to say the least.

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