30. The Tickets

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"No way!" We all shouted at once as Arthur announced he got tickets to the quidditch World Cup.

"Yes way!" He shouted back to all of us matching the energy that was buzzing through the room.

"In the minsters box as well!" Arthur tells us which excites us a little more.

"So who's coming then?" Fred asks his father.

"Well I have eleven tickets, so I was thinking all of us plus Harry or Hermione, depending on who you want Ron." Arthur says, looking at his youngest son.

"Don't worry about me Arthur, take both of them." Molly says, we were a little shocked but Molly was so giving, it was to be expected.

"Are you sure?" Arthur asks his wife.

"Yes, it's a once in a life time experience and I don't want any of them to miss out." Molly says before going back to her previous task that she was doing before.

"Well Ron you should write to Harry and Hermione to tell them the good news." Arthur says to Ron and he runs up the stairs to write to them both.

Molly also insisted that she wrote to Harry's auntie and uncle which she did and stuck quite a lot of things muggles call stamps on them, weird why couldn't she send it by owl?

The twins and I were so exited for the final Ireland v Bulgaria and we were rooting for Ireland to win.

Hermione wrote back to Ron and said she would be delighted to come to the quidditch cup so we were just waiting on Harry's response.

We were currently trying to convince Molly to let me stay in the twins room for at least one night as their room was bigger than mine and Ginny's room so it will be more comfortable for everyone.

"No, I'm not going to allow it, you could get up to stuff and I don't want to be a grandma yet, especially to my sixteen year old son and his girlfriend." Molly said to our plan.

"We aren't going to do that!" Fred said to his mother.

"Molly, trust me we don't have that on the mind." I tell her trying to be convincing but who was I trying to convince more her or us?

"Let me think about it." Molly tells the three of us.

"Also mum I will be in the room with them the whole time so nothing like that will happen." George says to his mother, this was the first time we could be thankful for George being a cockblock.

"Fine, but one wrong move and no more of it." Molly tells all three of us, mainly Fred and I.

We walk outside into the sun covered land and start high giving each other.

"Didn't take too much convincing then." Fred says smirking at me.

"Yes I think that's because George being a cockblock works in our favour for once." I tell him as we walk then sitting off the ground embracing the golden rays.

"You are welcome." George tells us both.

"So are we still meeting up with the group on Wednesday?" I ask them both.

"Yes." Fred tells me.

"I can't wait to see them all, I've missed them all so much." I tell the twins sitting in the middle of them with my body leaning on Fred.

"Do have I," George says and Fred and I start teasing him.

"Oooo, Georgie have you missed Angelina?" I ask in an extremely girly tone.

"Not in the way you are implying, no." George says with the tips of his ears burning red and Fred and I start giggling at him.

"Definitely." Fred says to his brother.

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