10. Slimey Slytherins

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We are now in December and my birthday is in ten days time, the 20th of December which is the day we go home for Christmas and I couldn't be less excited.

I've been so occupied with essays that I am missing out on the pranks the boys do which is hard but I'm not sure what I want to do and I need Os and Es to do most classes next year and hopefully I have some clue of what I want to do.

I've managed to get all of my presents wrapped for everyone, it took a while but I got it done and I can't wait to give Fred his, the memory book had photos from our first year till now with loads of space for extra photos.

I'm finishing another potions essay and Snape sets me extra as he knows I can do it and will do well in his classes which I suppose is good, I stifle a yawn and I hear a voice behind me.

"Surprised your still up." I see Fred with the other boys.

"I had to get this essay done, so I could enjoy tomorrow evening with you and you were doing your prank tonight how did that go?" I ask Fred, George and Lee as Jack was on prefect duties.

"It went very well, let's just say the Slytherins will have a hard time getting out of their common room in the morning." George says.

"What did you all do then?" I ask the three boys who had massive grins on their faces.

"It's kind of filled with slime." Lee says.

"Do I even want to know?" I ask them all.

"Well I don't think we will be seeing them in the morning, that's all I can say." Fred said and they all start laughing.

"You three are so childish." I tell them all.

"Well you still love me even if I am childish." Fred says pulling me into a hug.

He noticed I am wearing his jumper, "am I ever going to get my jumper back y/n?" He asks me.

"Do you mean our jumper." I tell him.

"Okay then, when can I have our jumper back?"

"I'm not sure, I think it looks rather nice on me don't you think?" I say spinning around.

"Yeah it does, keep it." He says

"Ito been mine for a while now anyway." I say smiling at him and he leans down to kiss me forgetting George and Lee are in the room.

"Fred there are other people in here."

He turns around and looks at both Lee and George.

"Kind of forgot they were in here, sorry." We all start laughing.

"Anyway we are off to bed." George says

"Night boys see you in the morning." I say to the pair.

"Night y/n." They say at the same time.

"Finished your potions essay?" Fred asks

"Just about yeah, the extra work is a bit boring sometimes but it will help towards getting an O." I tell him as I back my stuff into my bag.

"What do you want to do anyway, if you can't decide you can always work with George and I in our joke shop." He tells me.

"That's yours and George's dream, I don't want to crash in on it and I'm leaning towards the possibility of being a healer, not sure what department but I can figure that out in the future." I inform him.

"Healer, I can see if you are very caring."

"It's only a possibility, I'm not sure what else I would do but hopefully with all my OWLs I will have enough choices."

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now