36. Run

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I quickly jumped out of my bed grabbing my coat and shoes chucking them on as the other girls did the same. We all hurried out of the tent and all I could see was chaos. There were people running towards the woods screaming. Then a group of wizards in cloaks and masked faces.

All I felt was fear.

Fred grabbed my hand comfortingly we stood in a group as Bill, Charlie and Percy walked out from the boys tent with their wands in their hands.

"We're going to help the Ministry, you lot get into the woods and stick together! Fred, George - y/n and Ginny are your responsibility now!" Arthur shouted as they all sprinted towards the cloaked figures along with other Ministry members.

"Come on," Fred said gripping my hand tighter as George grabbed Ginny's and we ran towards to the wood song with Harry, Ron and Hermione.


All you could hear were screams coming from everyone. Children could be heard crying and we just carried on running.

I couldn't even process everything I was still half asleep and Fred was merely just dragging me along.

I turn around to see if Harry, Ron and Hermione were still behind us but they weren't.

"Fred, we need to go back for them." I say in a panicked voice, he looked around and then carried on looking forward.

"They can look after themselves" he says and we continue running with George and Ginny.

We reach a safe place and sit and Fred pulls me into a tight embrace, which slightly warmed me up. Even though I was wearing my coat my legs were still exposed to the cold air.

"What happened to the others?" Ginny asks the three of us.

"I looked round one minute and they were there, the next the weren't, I don't know what happened." I say with clear panic in my voice.

"It's okay, they'll be fine." Fred said trying to reassure me.

We huddled up as a small group with Ginny and I in the middle as George sat next to Ginny and Fred next to me. Fred and I hold hands so tight whilst in my other hand I hold my wand.

We sit in silence occasionally hearing twig being stepped on until we hear a voice shouting.

"Fred, George!" It was Charlie shouting, "y/n, Ginny!"

"We're over hear!" George shouts.

"Lumos" I say and my wand illuminated as we stand up still gripping Fred's hand tightly.

Charlie walks over to us all, "are the others with you?" He asks us.

"No one minute they were with us and the next they weren't." I say thinking of what could of possibly happened to them.

"Hopefully they'll be okay, let's get back to the tents." Charlie tells us and we walk back towards the tents.

We walked in silence no one knew what to say we arrive back at the boys tent and walk into to see Bill holding a large bedsheet on his arm and Percy who had a bloody nose.

"Could only find these four, no sign of the others." Charlie tells his brothers.

"Let's hope dad finds them." Bill says.

We all sit down and chairs as Fred pulls me onto his lap to hug me. We were all so shaken by the events, a million thoughts were rushing through my head.

"Are you okay?" Fred asks me and I nod my head lightly.

"Just shaken up." I tell him.

We explain to Bill and Percy that we lost the other three as we were all running. We sit in silence until Charlie pokes his head out of the tent.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now