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Hi! I just want to inform you guys that I'll be having 5 blocks for the competition instead of Four- Block A, B, C, and D. It'll be weird for me, if the winners from Block A, B, and D will be replaced. So instead of replacing them, I'm going to be adding one. I hope that you don't find it weird or something.

Anyway, I hope you are going my story and I thank you for reading this also!

Merry Christmas, everybody! 



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Haruki's POV

Currently, Luffy was asking the receptionist, who is not the receptionist from before if what block is he and she answered that he is from Block C. Seems like she is in charge of addressing the competitors for this block and such? I in fact thought that she was the receptionist from before, but she isn't.

I was then told that I am in Block E, the last block of the competition. That is excessively long for me to wait and engage in a fight on the platform. I nothing but could not wait because I am trembling out of excitement. Graciously thank goodness that Luffy and I aren't from the same block or else, he'll have to fight for the title as winner in our block and that will be very early for the both of us to fight. Above all, that will be boring and if I say boring, it is very boring.

I went away from Luffy when I heard the emcee announce something to all of us. Seems like the game is about to start in any minute. I arrived on a immensely oversized window to examine at Block's A fight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting! Let me explain about today's competition!" he started and loud cheers from the crowd was then heard after. I'm going to listen to everything he is going to say because that is very crucial. "For the first round, competitors are divided into five blocks and it's gonna be battle royal!"

"A battle royal?" I whispered as I then putted her fingers on my chin while thinking of something. What is this round all about? Because I possess no clue at all. So I better to listen to the emcee about this competition, Luffy and I voluntarily entered. On top of that, I also wanted to try this too.

"A battle royal is a match in which all competitors fight at once so everybody is your enemy except yourself! And the last one standing without being eliminated or getting killed will be the winner! A competitor will be eliminated if he gets thrown out of the ring or if he gets killed in the ring!" he announced and my eyes went wide when there are a lot of fishes on the water that looks like it can kill competitors any time. "Meanwhile, in the water outside of the ring. The Colosseum's unique attraction- a school of Little Fighting Fish are waiting to attack whoever falls! It doesn't matter if you're in or out of the ring! It's Hell! That's the Corrida Colosseum! We're about to get started!" he shouted and the crowd went wild again, and the competitors from Block A were throwing glares and shades to one another. Giving them the look that they will win the Flare-Flare Fruit. As if they will be the winner of this competition! Not going to happen! Well, not on my watch!

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