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Third's POV

"What the hell is this, Usopp?!" Sanji asked who was inside Nami's body said. He was pointing at the sticker placed on Nami's forehead. Haruki could feel how happy Sanji is from being inside Nami's body.

Lucky for him, Haruki guessed.

"It's kind of super!" Franky who is inside Chopper's body beamed, swaying his body from side to side. Haruki has this poker face plastered on her face and was staring blankly at Franky. She clearly dislikes how Franky made those moves and his face is just not so pleasant to look at.

"I don't care anymore...." Nami in Franky's body mumbled some words coming from his mouth. Haruki felt bad at Nami because Sanji was the one who possessed her body and it's just Nami's unluckiest day ever.

However Chopper inside Sanji's body as he acknowledged Usopp because of his wise idea of putting a sticker with their face on it and sparkles was surrounding him. "Thanks, Usopp!"

Usopp bestowed an idea of putting a face sticker on their forehead indicating which is who is inside their body. It was actually a clever and an interesting idea.

"It spoils Namii-san's beauty!" Nami (Sanji) snickered at him, disagreeing his idea.

"Cut the crap! We get confused if nothing is done."

Haruki nodded her head approvingly at Usopp. She was really confused a while ago and didn't seem to distinguish who is inside their body. Zoro and Robin helped her in understanding the current situation they're in. However, she still finds it more confusing because of how they got their body switched.

Must be hard for them, well except for a one particular pervert of a cook in there. He is really enjoying and loving this. Sanji must have prayed a while ago to all the Gods and make him or them stay like this a little longer or probably forever.

Praying for Nami's reputation.

On the other side of the room. Haruki, Luffy and Zoro were seated on top of the small boulder, listening to what Brownbeard is saying.

In front of them are three children with different sizes, playing Brownbeard's body and tail who was tied with chains that are bigger and larger than a normal one on the pillar. Well, He's a giant.

Haruki cooed at them because of how cute the children are.

"Brownbeard?" Luffy asked him.

"Yes. I'm sure you heard that name before. That was what I used to go by." Brownbeard smirked at him, trying to tell Luffy that he was an amazing pirate year before. But Haruki have not heard of his name ever.

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