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The votes and comments I received are always highly appreciated! Thank you, all! :)

I dedicated this to all readers who are still reading this!

If you are a perfectionist, this story is not for you


Warning: Grammar, Language, Profanity, and Violence


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Third Person's POV

"Your treasure ship has arrived." Haruki grinned.

Cheers and smiles everywhere. Drops of ecstatic tears from their eyes. Hearts wrapped in a warm scarf. A prayer for two decades has been answered. The townspeople were more than delighted when they received a week or two worth of food. Plus, Luffy got a huge amount of clean water that he stole from the enemies.

A bliss of happiness.

But, happiness is an understatement to say.

"Look at how overjoyed they all are. Seeing them like that makes me want to confront and strip off their Shogun from his seat right now." Haruki spoke, not tearing her eyes off the situation in front of her.

Zoro looked at her. "You can't just barge in alone, Haruki. If you want to, we can both go there and raise the hell."

"Okay! We'll do that later!" Haruki raised her fist in the air.

Law's displeased face became more prominent. "No, you won't! You have to follow our plans first before making a move on someone in a high position like the Shogun or even Kaido!"

Of course, no one listened to him.

"It has been emptied in a span of five minutes! Amazing!" Haruki's twinkled in excitement.

Law gritted his teeth. They have been nothing but put him in another set of disruptions. Not in a way that he's against helping the people here, but how they literally went against the opposers.

Poor Trafalgar Law.

He's becoming miserable in the hands of Straw Hats. But that won't make him betray them. Law has come far thanks to their alliance. He just has to endure the pain and go with the flow.

Haruki was satisfied and sunny to see them with something to eat and drink. They deserve to go through it after a very long time. Their body is too weak and thin, particularly the young and old ones. The misery they have to face while Oroichi's on the throne and Kaido's presence lurking day and night.

This is a sight to remember.

"Fill your stomachs, everyone! There's still more to steal!" Haruki grinned like an idiot.

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