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Third's POV

At Thousand Sunny, Sanji and the others were aggressively attacked by Big Mom's ship as they wanted and demanded them to hand over Caesar and Caesar clearly does not want to go with them because he smuggled Big Mom's money with something, reason as to why they are chasing after Caesar right now. Pekoms and Tamago were the one leading the ship as they were personally assigned by Big Mom to capture Caesar and direclt send send him to Big Mom. Not only him but also Capone "Gang" Bege, one of the Worst Generation.

"It seems like they joined Big Mom's crew. They were after Caesar, but he was terrified of being caught by them. Frankly speaking, we had no chance of making a getaway. But if we didn't do anything, we would be sunk before long." Nami said as other minks were near them, listening to Nami's story.

"Okay, so that's what happened when I was away from Luffy because I was looking for a way out of the Colosseum, but who is Cesar?" Haruki said, tilting her head. Zoro and the others looked at Haruki as they had already expected this coming from her, not anymore surprise.

"It's pointless if we're going to tell you who that is." Nami said as she continued her story. This time Nami told them that Brook took care in once attack of the countless cannons that was aimed directly at them and froze them. Chopper transferred into his monster point as Sanji kicked savagely Caesar towards Chopper, who caught him on his right hand. Chopper then stretched Caesar with his hands as the frozen cannons landed on Caesar's gas body and Caesar was shouting at Chopper to stop using him and let him go. 

Chopper then formed Caesar's body into ball as he projected it towards Sanji, leaving it to him. Sanji then jumped on the air, directly at Caesar's ball shaped gas body. Sanji forced his legs on Caesar's body as fire appeared on his legs as the ball was no longer frozen and was replaced with fire. The cannons were like comets from the galaxy, developing their way towards Big Mom's ship and hit and affected the side of their starboard.

Caesar screamed for help when he was about to fall from the ocean as Sanji helped him and brought him back on Sunny. It was Nami's turn as she twirled her staff and black smoke appeared on the sky, like what Nami had done to Caesar back at Punk Hazard when he was about to escape with Baby 5 and Buffalo. Rain started to appear from the sky as she took the help and sailed away from Big Mom. Chopper and Caesar laid down on the floor, breathing heavily.

Haruki, Luffy and Usopp clapped their hands as they were so impressed with them. Not only them, but some Mink near them who were also listening to her story, clapped their hands. Robin smiled at Nami, as the adorable lesser mink from before were back on Robin's lap. Franky formed an oval shaped with his lips as Nami and the others caught his breathe away as to how awesome they were in fleeing from Big Mom's ship.

"You all did pretty good!" Luffy exclaimed, clapping his hands on top of his head.

"So awesome and strong!" Haruki shouted, whistling but she failed afterwards as she just clapped her hands. Zoro crossed his arms while smirking and was filled with unbounded astonishment as to what they did back there.

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