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Third's POV

Fighting the storm was hard, but it was easy for Nami to navigate their ship, and but instructing Haruki and the others with something was the hardest part. Going through the storm was not only hard for Luffy and his group, they were also battling their hungriness. They were all so weak and could not lift one of their fingers. Haruki even lost some weight because she has not eaten any food, due to the fact that Luffy and the others ate all the food she stole, not leaving anything for her to eat at all, leaving her so hungry than usual.

No one was furling the sail because of how tired they are, and Nami was the only one who navigates the ship by maneuvering the wheel towards a specific direction, though Nami was also tired, but she fought that and put all of her remaining energy in maneuvering Sunny while Haruki and the others were scattered and laying on the floor, totally worn out. When Nami almost lost balance because of hungriness, Luffy came into the picture and helped her out.

"I-I'm almost there......." Haruki muttered under her breath as she crawled her way towards there, wanting to help Nami and Luffy also. "Sanji....please wait for u-us! W-We are coming to get you b-back!" Haruki added with a clenched fist, not going to go back and went for Wano without getting Sanji back on their crew.

Luffy gritted his teeth. "Hunger can't beat me! We'll rescue you at any cost, Sanji!" Luffy shouted on top of his lungs as he dropped on the wheel more, lifting his head in the air with his eyes closed.

They were all so hook up in getting Sanji back, their nakama, and cook. That they would do anything just to bring him back to their crew, with a huge smile plastered on their faces. Even if they are going to confront Big Mom, their passion to be completed again is far more stronger than fear itself. 

A few days later

"H-help me....." Haruki whispered so lowly that she no longer recognizes her voice. She had her body slump on the railings, looking at the boiling water tiredly. "I'm boiling........" Haruki added as she could feel how hot her body is due to the fact that she ate the Mizu-Muzo Fruit. An ice pack did not even help her because right after putting it on any parts of her body, it turns into water. 

"I can't take it anymore......I'm gonna die......It's hot.......I'm gonna die........Haruki we are gonna die......I'm gonna be dried up........" Luffy said beside Haruki, sticking his tongue out from his mouth.  The color of his face has already lost its color, they were even wrinkles on his face due to how hot the weather is and how hungry they are. Luffy was even muttering Sanji and that he needs food in a way that no one could ever tell what in the world is he even saying. 

Luffy with Pedro, Chopper, and Brook was sitting on a railing on Haruki's right side, as they were holding a fishing rod, wanting to get some fish on the boiling ocean. No matter how hot the weather is, they all really wanted to catch some fish and eat it, as they could not take their hungriness. Haruki did not mind fishing also because she does not know any kinds of stuff about that. 

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