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Third's POV

Now that there are already here at the country, they should be after Dressrosa, the first thing that they need to do before they will find Nami and the others is to find out their country. The country at the back of the elephant is like any country on any islands in the world. It has a green forest, river, houses and buildings and more. But the thing that will really caught your eyes and attention is a beautiful massive tree, shaped in a whale. it was so beautiful that Haruki could not take her eyes off. It is as if Haruki was intoxicated by its beauty. 

Luffy and Haruki were so amazed with this country as they could not tear their eyes off from the scene. Usopp even ran towards them and climbed up the ladder and ran towards stairs so that he could see the scenery, too.

Just like Luffy and Haruki, Usopp was amazed with the country and using a binocular, Usopp even felt something that the town is somewhat weird. When Luffy with Haruki jumped down inside the tall gate, Usopp immediately reported towards Zoro and the others.

"I knew he'd do that with Haruki! Do you see old "Eyebrows"?" Zoro asked him, looking above to where Usopp is now, the watchtower.

"No. This place is too high to see anybody." Usopp reported back as Zoro then walked towards the gate and catch up with Luffy and Haruki.

Robin shifted her head towards Zoro when she noticed that. "Zoro, shouldn't we wait for Kinemon and Kanjuro?" she asked him.

"It's not as vast as a continent. Let's just go." Zoro replied to her, not minding to look at his back. With that answer, Franky and Robin nodded their heads and followed Zoro's tracks, Law following closely behind Zoro as well.

"Wait, wait! I'm coming with you guys!" Usopp shouted at them as he immediately ran towards their direction in a vast speed, not wanting them to leave, flee and abandon him alone in this strange country.

Zoro looked down. "They didn't have to jump. The gate's open. That Haruki!" Zoro grumbled in annoyance when he prominently mentioned Haruki's name. She's really after troubles with the potential troublemaker. Oh well, Haruki is a troublemaker too. 

"No, I think this is......" Franky trailed when he looked at the gates on the floor, destroyed.

"Yeah, it's not actually open.....Someone destroyed it." Law spoke as he scanned and surveyed the area and concluded something.

Zoro walked while scanning the area as he then smirked when he spotted something strange that will also amply supported Law's explanation. "You're right. This trail looks strange too. It's too wide to call it an animal trail in a forest."

The trail was half-ruined, but the trees on the side of the trail are torn into half and destroyed. It's like something very dangerous happened in this country that an unknown person....or could a creature make all this mess. And the thing about these things are that it's still fresh and it's like it's been days when that enemy destroyed this area.

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