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Warning: Language, Profanity, and Violence


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Third Person's POV


"And that's it for the castle tour!" Haruki exclaimed spreading her arms in the air.

Mihawk chuckled lowly and tightened his hold from Haruki's back thighs.

When Mihawk tours her around, excitement then filled Haruki completely. It was only the two of them and their time together was both enjoyed by the duo. Perona and Zoro are just somewhere inside the castle, doing something individually.

He was piggyback riding Haruki. In a view of that fact, Haruki misses this kind of bonding with Mihawk as she could not behave properly while on his back.

Nothing could compare how proud and fortunate Mihawk is towards Haruki.

"I can't believe you are growing too fast, princess. You were just this small cute bean to me the last time I saw you. How I wish you'll stay like that forever." Mihawk mentioned while remembering the young version of Haruki.

Haruki playfully hit Mihawk on his shoulder as he could only chuckle at her cute action.

It's been almost fours years since the last time Mihawk saw Haruki. Seeing her now makes him so happy. He was proud of what Haruki achieved as he will continue to be proud of her, achieving things or not.

"Hawky, I was already around 14 or 15 of age at that time! I was not a small cute bean! I would appreciate it if you describe my young self as first-class gorgeous." Haruki vocalized, whispering the last sentence which earns a laugh from Mihawk.

"Most importantly, you miss four of birthdays!" she added and pouted her lips.

"I'm not surprised that you brought that topic up. Forgive me for my absences on your birthdays, princess." Mihawk replied with sincerity.

"Apology accepted for my Hawky! Don't miss my upcoming birthday, okay? I'll be so mad at you!" Haruki said, emphasizing her pout more. "What were you doing with those years, Hawky?" she asked curiously like a cat.

Mihawk sighed deeply.

"I had something important to do with those years. As much as I want to tell you, but I can't for now." Mihawk softly said and put Haruki back on her feet. "Besides, I gave you always letters, your birthdays or not, about what I was doing, right?" He confronted her and ruffled her hair with a smile on his face.

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