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Haruki's POV

I was sitting and playing my fingers on the floor because of boredom and I just want to get out of here fast. I have nothing to do in here anymore. I then lied down on my back while I spread my arms widely on the floor, sighing heavily. I am now looking at the fancy celling of this palace.

Just when are we gonna get out of here? And where the hell is that idiot Captain of ours? Of all times he is missing in this crucial time! I'm so gonna beat him once we already found him.

Currently, we are waiting for Brook and the merman, he brought along with to be back in here. A while ago, all of them scolded me for informing them late about what I found out. However, the past is past it will never come back. As long as, the princess of this kingdom is harmless then there is nothing to be scared of. I am looking forward to meeting the royal highnesses because I just want to meet them and how they look.

Brook and the merman came in the door, looking frantic and breathing heavily. Oh, must have been the human pirates in the tower.

"Neptune-sama!" a merman shouted. "She's been kidnapped! The princess was carried off by someone or another!"

"Also, a group of pirates came raining down by the tower. Anyway, we are under attack! Under attack!" Brook informed us while waving his left arm widely.

Oh, my power is so powerful indeed. I smirked at that thought, I stood from my feet and crossed my arms while looking at them with a playful look in my eyes. I'm really so bored! I want to have fun here! A girl can have some fun, you know!

"Kidnapped?! Who could have taken Shirahoshi?!" King Neptune said as his face turned pale blue. I could even see sweats starting to form on his body. I am pretty sure I knew who took Shirahoshi out of her room. I mean he is someone who could only give us trouble after troubles. I nodded my head at that thought.

Usopp put both of his hands on his ears as he screamed. Caimei had her mouth wide opened and beside her is Pappag who is also scared of the news Brook and the merman informed us. Because of this, I could feel something flowing in my body in excitement. Now, this is what I called fun and exciting!

"An enemy attack? What are we gonna do?" I hear Zoro on my far left say, not even scared or something.

Usopp went behind him still clutching his ears. "Why now?! We're already attacking the palace ourselves! W-What should we do?!" he looked in front then went back to clutching his ears.

"On second thought, don't answer that!"

"We'll cut them down." Zoro suggested which I nodded my head in agreement.

"I said don't answer!"

I held the handle on one of my swords when I heard countless footsteps coming from the direction Brook and the merman ran a while ago. It seems that we will be going t fight with lots of enemies right now in this palace. 

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