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Third's POV

Sanji and his group arrived at Zou with their mouth wide opened when they saw how massive the elephant was. Unlike Luffy and the others plan in going on top of it, Sanji's group decided to use someone who is really needed right now. Yes, they used Caesar to fly on the air towards the Mokomo Dukedom as they arrived in no time without even sweating hard. Caesar was mad at them at that time but at the end, he just shrugged it off. They were inexpressibly shocked as to how the Mokomo Dukedom was ruined and destroyed then Sanji, Chopper and Caesar decided to scanned the are, leaving Brook, Nami and Momo on the gate. However, there were still companions of Jack's roaming at that time and attacked Nami's group.

"We arrived here the very next day after Jack had left! It was a terrible sight. We wanted to do something right away, but the gas was still there and it could've put our lives in jeopardy too. That's why we left the city temporarily." Chopper spoke, lowering his head to look at the ground.

"I see." Luffy said while looking at Duke Dogstorm for a second.

Sanji and his group reached the city with a surprised look on their faces when they saw countlessly of Minks who are fallen onto the ground as he and Chopper covered their noses with something so that they won't inhale the poison gas. While Caesar was smirking because he recognized this hazardous gas of him and was happy because it was really a successful one. They were confused as to what happened to them and their country. Pedro humbly begged Sanji to save all if their lives, especially two rulers of Mokomo Dukedom because they can't never and ever let them die. Some were even still tied on the torture device, knocked out because of the poison gas. Chopper was so mad at Caesar for making poison gas to use it to other people as his advantages.

"That gas guy's annoying!" Luffy growled, crossing his arms on his chest.

"That Vegetable guy is such a troublesome gas!" Haruki cursed while creasing her forehead, imagining Caesar's face with his lips in red color.

"And he's fascinated by its success." Franky spoke and irritated at Caesar for being proud of himself in creating the poison gas as a deadly weapon.

Usopp nodded his head at Franky. "The way the gas works really reflect his character. Taking two days to kill people little by little sounds really awful!" Usopp hissed at Caesar who is not here.

Robin looked at Wanda and Chopper, wanting to know more about what happened ten days ago. "What happened then?" she asked.

"Well....." Chopper trailed as he started to tell them what happened after, as it was time for him to say and let Wanda rest.

Rain-Ruption happed again as Sanji and his group were slow to climb into a tree as two devil fruit user- Chopper and Caesar got caught in the water, losing their powers. Sanji save Chopper by gripping his bag tightly as Sanji just kicked Caesar without mercy and so hard that he was sent flying into the tree. Sanji immediately came into the rescue when he had heard Nami's fierce scream from afar. Sanji left Chopper with Caesar in his care and defeated one of Kaido's subordinate and took him down, Sheepshead. The enemies then flee from Zou as they stopped from looking for Raizo, for they had been looking form him for days.

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