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Third's POV

"Who are you?!" Haruki shouted while gripping her are so hard.

"Come on! Answer me! Who are you?!" Luffy shouted out of anger, gritting his teeth so hard. Nami keeps asking both of them who they were talking about as they really do not know who are they both referring their shouts to and they could not even hear some voices. "I can only hear his voice! He's not listening to Haruki and me! And we have no idea who it is!" Luffy added.

"His voice just keeps on talking.....pleading.....commanding....." Haruki said as she lifted up her head and looked at them, having a hard time in her state right now. On the other hand, Momo just keeps on gripping his head while gritting his teeth, as he wanted to stop the voice.

Franky looked at them in confusion. "What do you mean?!"

"What the hell is going on?!" Usopp screamed as he and the others still did not know what in the world is happening right now.

"Gol D. Roger......" Pedro trailed, causing them to lift their head towards the direction where they heard Pedro's voice. "And Oden-sama as well. I heard they experienced the same thing. They heard a loud voice but they couldn't get it to respond." Pedro added while crossing his arms on his chest. He was on a trunk, wrapping his tails on it to secure his body in place. Some of them gasped and stared at Pedro with wide eyes.

"I get about Luffy and Momo.....but Haruki experienced the same......" Nami whispered while looking at the hopeless Haruki on the floor.

The ground started shaking convulsively as if a magnitude of 7 and up happened. Wooden buildings started to collapse and terrible screams of agony on the place were heard. Despite how hard it is for Haruki to keeps on hearing some unknown voices, she still managed to control her water dome. One wooden building was about to crash down on Tristan, when Franky came and stopped it with his hands, and told Tristan to run away which she did, but thanked Franky first. Wanda properly instructed the minks to gather in one spot together and get away from any near buildings. Huge trees were about to crash the minks together when Zoro slashed them into big pieces, saving the minks. While Raizo used his shurikens and directed them on the ground wherein the pieces of wood stopped from rolling and got stuck. Because of that, Chopper and Usopp did a standing ovation while smiling so very wide at Raizo, complimenting how awesome of a ninja he is.

"What is it?! What is happening?!" Nami screamed in agony as she begins to cover the back of her head when the ground started shaking wildly again, causing all of them to let out a shriek of fear. Usopp, Brook, and Chopper's heads got smacked hardly on the ground as the color of their skins turned blue.

"What's going on?!" Law said in his usual tone, protecting everyone.

Seconds after while having a secret place, the ground started to slowly stop from shaking as the others sighed in relief, still wanted to know what is happening right now. Not only the ground, but also the voice that Haruki, Luffy, and Momo stopped talking. Haruki stood up from the ground with her head held high to look at the sky, closing her eyes as she tried to gather a high amount of air.

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