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Third's POV

"You saved us....Thank you!" Luffy told them in his weaken state. Haruki nodded her head slowly and weakly. Both were slumped back on Moocy's body. Both are so thankful for Jeet and Abdullah, who did not even abandoned them when they fell from Moocy's back and even get to saved their lives from Doflamingo. Haruki's indebted to them as she will return their good deed and act of kindness in the near future.

"No, no, no, no...." Jeet said as he clutched the back of his head. He was happy that they got to save their lives.

Abdullah looked at Doflamingo's clone that is no longer moving. "Now, is that his lower body?! What's going on with that?! All in all, we brought down the big game, didn't we?!" he asked, bombarding with questions while looking at it. Jeet unexpectedly turned his head to look at Doflamingo's clone and his lower body.

"Idiot! I told you before. That's a fake! He took the trouble to send the string puppet...To tease us?" Law spoke.

Luffy looked at Law. "He said he came to save us."

"Now that you said that, he did." Haruki said as she crossed her arms, remembering Doflamingo's words.

Jeet gasped loudly that made Haruki, Law, and Luffy looked at Jeet. "Oh yeah! Actually, that Kelly Funk guy from earlier...That bastard was fooling us! We learned that and when we tried to stop him...That infamous assassin Kelly got taken out in a split second..." Jeet explained to them.

"He doesn't need to save us! We can kick that Jelly's ass ourselves!" Haruki growled in annoyance, thinking of kicking and punching Kelly's face and body for fooling them. Though it was partially their fault for fooling into his trap, let say....Luffy only.

"If it's true, it's like we were really saved by that jerk! He's mocking at us! What's going on out there?! How are Cabbage and the others?!" Luffy bombarded them with questions.

"We're totally falling behind..." Abdullah trailed.

"I bet everybody else reached the second level by now!" Jeet informed Luffy as Haruki sighed. Though she was thinking of something wild that will also benefit them in some ways.

"Damn! I thought we could take a shorter route to the Sunflower Field!" Luffy said as he stomped his foot on the ground.

"That's what we get more thinking like that!" Haruki's eyebrow twitched as she snapped at Luffy.

"Haruki! Don't say that!" Luffy shouted as he grabbed Haruki on her shoulders while shaking her body from side to side.

"I just did! Though It's all of our fault for falling into his trap!" Haruki growled fiercely while staring at Luffy. Jeet and Abdullah are just looking at Haruki, then Luffy. Like whoever says something, they are going to shift their head to that specific person.

𝓒𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓭 (ᴀ ᴏɴᴇ ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇ ꜰᴀɴᴄᴛɪᴏɴ) ʀᴏʀᴏɴᴏᴀ ᴢᴏʀᴏ x ᴏᴄWhere stories live. Discover now