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Haruki's POV

The pirate ship crashed into us. We had a hard time balancing because of the impact. Good thing I cling onto the railing to prevent me from falling face flat on the floor.

"It's a pirate ship!" Chopper shouted.

"They're ramming our ship! Get away! The bubble will break!" Usopp gasped, trying his best to inform the pirates who are also their very best to ram our ship--more on the sea cow.

Like how dare them to manipulate him! It's too cute to be used!

"No way! They're trying to break into our soap bubble!" Nami informed us while she and Luffy looked at the Pirate crew who is in front of them.

"Who are they?!" Luffy asked, angry because of what they are doing with our ship.

"Let's get out of here!" Usopp shouted on top of his lungs as Sanji ran on the Poopdeck of the ship to maneuver the wheel, gritting his teeth.

"Turn the rubber!" Franky instructed Sanji. He then weaver the ship away from this pirate ship. Until this cute sea cow roared and continues to ram our ship. I forgot to examine the bump on his head. He was probably beaten up by this piece of...

Looking at them calmly. "They sure are persistent." Zoro mumbled. Usopp fell on the floor when they successfully rammed our ship. I kept holding onto the railing as I made my way near them. Readying my swords to fight. I am fuming mad because they dare to use this cute creature like a tool! I won't forgive this!

"What's with these guys?!" Luffy said.

"Stop it!" Chopper was on the floor, sliding. I placed my swords back and went to grab Chopper.

"The soap bubble will break!"

Brook was seated on the floor as he panicked. Nami was holding on to the staircase railings, tightly. "Sea cow?" she asked, looking at it deeply. "Wait, isn't it?..." she trailed off. They knew that cutie? Oh, what a small world! They probably knew it way years ago during their sailing.

"Hey, Momoo!" Nami shouted as she ran closer to it. She straightened herself first before continuing what she's going to say. "You're Momoo from Arlong's crew, aren't you? Do you recognize me? I'm Nami! I was at Arlong Park!" Hearing that made "Momoo" look at her.

"Oh, I wanted him to look at me like that also!" I grumbled, feeling jealous of Nami. I was sad because he did not notice or look at me when I was looking at him.

"Calm down, Haruki!" Zoro barked at me. I gave him a pout as he looked away.

Sanji called out Luffy. "Hey, Luffy! Haven't we seen this guy before?"

"Really?" he answered Sanji, looking like he doesn't know who is he. It was when Momoo started to sweat as he watched all of the guys he could remember years ago. He then started to shake and cry.

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