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Third Person's POV

With Senior Pink's defeat, Franky collapsed on the ground with a smile on his face. While the Tontattas's destroyed the factory, almost grasping the victories. Zoro defeated Pica, who returned to his massive stone to attack the Colosseum fighters and King Doldo on the King's Plateau, where Usopp and the others are.

Zoro attacked Pica with his Haki, and Pica did the same thing. However, Zoro was more stronger than him, as he completely defeated Pica as he cuts his stone massive body into pieces. On the King's Plateau, they were so shocked at Zoro as they praised him with positive words and how strong Zoro is, and they congratulated him.

However, Zoro was so worried for Haruki's group right now and he still hasn't heard news about them. Zoro was worried sick for Haruki's state right now and all he could do is to pray for Haruki, Luffy and Law's safety.

If Haruki saw Zoro finishing off Pica, she'll be the most proud woman alive on the world. And shout across the sea that she is so proud of Zoro that she can die now on his arms. Sadly, she can't because her she shut herself for an hour, to take a rest.

And if she can already gather enough strength and courage, she'll have to face Doflamingo again and help Luffy, for the last time already. This time, she and Luffy will defeat him. She told herself that she was weak when she fought with Doflamingo before.

Right now, she'll fight Doflamingo more serious than they fought from before.

Luffy, Law, and Haruki are their last retort in claiming back Dressrosa again and bring it into full of pure bliss and joy.

"Doflamingo!" Luffy shouted Doflamingo's name so hard on top of his lungs.

Though Doflamingo did heard him and laughed evilly, but he was so busy fighting with Law right now to direct his attention towards Luffy. When Luffy succeeded in knocking out Bellamy, he out where Law and Haruki are. And when he saw Haruki's state, he first pulled out the bars made out of strings first and shouted for her name.

Still, Haruki did not open her eyes but she did felt Luffy's presence. Luffy checked her pulse and sighed heavily when she is still alive. He carried her bride style and lay her gently on the floor, near the wall.

With Viola's clairvoyance, she reported everything to all of them about what's happening right now on Haruki' group. Viola's eyes widened when she saw that Haruki was in a bad shape. She was torn in between telling Zoro about Haruki, so she just looked at Zoro with wide eyes and no words came out from her mouth.

"Why are you looking at me like that?! I ask for Haruki's state right now! Tell me you saw from there!" Zoro shouted at Viola as Usopp clutched his body to prevent him from moving towards Viola, who still had her eyes widened.

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